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  1. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Very pretty boy! Congrats! And yogurt cups... hmmm I have to eat more yogurt before the last weekend of this month. Taking four Serama pullets and three D'Uccle boys to a show and I was going to go buy some small bowls for show coops... I can kill two birds with one stone with YOGURT!!!
  2. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Just sharing something pretty cool. Here are photos of my 2 month old cockerel, Cayenne, and also pics of his Daddy (Blaise) when Blaise was around the same age and then again at about 5 or 6 months. Think the little man will look anything like his Dad when he gets older? :D I love the pattern...
  3. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    What a handsome little man!
  4. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Caged show? Hopefully he will "turn on" and pose by himself in his cage just because of the strange place and all the other birds. There won't be a lot you can do to make him pose if it is a caged show only, but perhaps a bit of handling now to build confidence would be a tiny help. Play music...
  5. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    YES! This is the one who just had little "sticklike" feathers. I had a feeling it was going to be silkied. So far it is looking like four for sure girls, the one for sure boy, and one confusing one. We'll has a little more comb than the four girls but not as much as Crais has. They...
  6. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Love that baby's color, WildWorks! Here are two of my youngsters, growing up so fast, 2 1/2 month old Snickers (the funny light chocolate) and one month old Crais (lil silkied cockerel)
  7. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Very cute!!!
  8. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    New pics of a couple of my 2 1/2 month old babies. The black mottled is a little pullet, I am almost positive... the gold mottled one though... GAH. It looks super feminine compared to my same-age D'Uccles but compared to the same age Seramas, its face and comb are pinker. I will know for sure...
  9. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    LOL yeah... they are not quite to the point where they love the camera yet. And this one is just going on 3 weeks old. I'm hoping I got a lot of little pullets in the 6 I bought, since I really don't need a whole bunch o' boys! I already HAVE 3 D'Uccle cockerels and no D'Uccle girlies, so I...
  10. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Very very cute!!
  11. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Hey, Rachel! I wanted you, especially, to see the little one who just had the little sticklike feather quills when I got the bunch from you. He is coming in silkied, and sooooo light! His name is Crais (a Farscape series reference) and if he is a she. well, she'll still be Crais *LOL*!!!
  12. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    One more photo today... my nearly 4 week old baby who is staying pretty close to the color it was when it hatched (I know it can change a lot still... but right now, I am in love with the coloring) Snickers!
  13. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Here are the pics!
  14. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Thank you to Rachel for the six lovely babies I got last night!! I will be taking pics today. They are simply adorable!!
  15. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Wow.... he is gorgeous!
  16. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    And babies hatched over the weekend... the dark one is Jacqueline and the light one is Jemma. These are out of the same trio pen as most of the babies in the other photo I just posted
  17. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Some of my newbs... the biggest is almost 3 weeks old and the three smaller ones are about 1 1/2 weeks old. See the little milk chocolate colored one? I love this baby! It is out of a pair which is buff with a dark laced tail (guessing he carried or was chocolate) and a black pullet. The color...
  18. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    New babes! 6 of these guys are out of the same trio of birds (a frizzled pullet and a smooth pullet, both the same chocolate looking wheaton like color, and a smooth cockerel who is mahogany, gold, and black with a laced or spangled chest). I have one which is a week and a half old and the rest...
  19. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Gorgeous birds!! I love the colors <3
  20. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    One Naked Neck pullet, three D'Uccles, eight Seramas (but no partridge in a pear tree) in the new baby playpen. The oldest Seramas are just under a month old, and the youngest in the pen are the D'Uccles at a week and a half. They all get along GREAT! I love this. No babies in the house now!!
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