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  1. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    Feed stores here are done for the year (one has 3 turkeys thats it) and craigslist only has adults, ive already been looking there
  2. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    Alright... this is a long shot but here it goes, i was sent eggs from a friend and out of 12 only 4 hatched (3 died 24 hours after hatch) i now have one left and i feel sorry for her shes all alone and to small to put with my other birds, stuffed animals dont work, feather duster doesnt work...
  3. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    theres one in grass valley i just cant get to him. he has gorgeous birds. im in the chester area 2 hours from the nv ca border, but never go down the way of sac
  4. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    I cant even find anyone that will ship adults for any less than $100 all i need is two fertile freaking birds that will produce viable offspring is that so hard to ask for?
  5. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    so i posted a bit ago asking for eggs and here i am asking for eggs again. its now official the birds cannot breed, neither hen will lay and the roosters are driving me crazy because the hens wanting nothing to do with breeding roosters, i have an incubator now and i have the temp and humidity...
  6. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    hopefully if i end up getting eggs ill have a broody to sit on them
  7. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    so ive been away for a while and ive found something out. the seramas i have CANNOT breed and have living offspring so im looking for anyone that has fertile eggs or that will have them
  8. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    thats the sad thing these eggs arent even shipped they are my own eggs and most are less then 24 hrs old. Im several hours from modesto and would love to go to the show but i probably wont be able to. im wanting serama for both fun and show. ill pm you and we can talk
  9. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    well most of the time she is in a cage with her mate (or out with me) but we have dogs who like to eat birds so i have to be careful. i might see if i have some scrap wood or something i can use to build something. i plan on building breeding pens in the spring for bigger birds but also using...
  10. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    im gonna trying moving her to a different pen (indoor birds) on her own with a nest and see if it helps
  11. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    im starting to think she wont brood on them because they wont hatch. her mates brother has seizures and i was told by someone on fb to not breed them at all yet thats all i have. i have four birds and only one hen is able to lay
  12. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    i just got a brand new hygrometer and i have it in the incubator and im letting it sit for a bit to register the correct humidity but what should be the "right" humidity for it? ive been seeing 45-50% the issue im having is they keep dying right up to almost hatch idk if this is temp related...
  13. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    yes ive removed him,moved her to a different pen and the same things happen she gets paranoid and paces for him, he crows insistently for her and paces, she lays her eggs all over the pen and not in one nest and makes a god awful mess by intentionally tipping water and food (they normally dont...
  14. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    yeah ive tried leaving them for her and her rooster goes in and kicks them out OR she forgets about them and they go bad so i gave up on getting her to brood. and yes she has free choice crushed egg shells for calicum. shes going on i think 2?
  15. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    Alright this is getting annoying. ive tried EVERYTHING dry hatching/non dry hatching, temp changes(higher and lower) turning them more/less and still NOTHING. Hens wont brood and i have no other small hens that will brood. i have all of two hens and to roos one hen cant lay because of size. All...
  16. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    3 are due today but i candled this morning amd two look dead one looks living and and the other four delayed ones are growing but one looks dead
  17. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    Day 21- still nothing. Did i do something wrong? I'll be happy honestly if i go home to ONE chick is there anything genetic other then lethal genes that can cause early mortality
  18. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    Sizzle? Pics?
  19. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    Yeah thats the only thing stopping me from touching them
  20. EZFarms

    American serama thread!

    I'm so anxious to see chicks. Why is this so hard xD it's taking every fiber if me to NOT candle the eggs right now to make sure they are still moving. Lets just hope i have pips today so that I won't be anxious at school all day monday and Tues
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