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  1. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Let's play guess that gender!!! Seramas - 3 weeks old Let me know if you agree with my predictions. * Please excuse the messy appearance. They were fed some moistened crumbles and decided to roll in it. The only dark one is, of course, going to be male. Just my luck The white one with a bit...
  2. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Had some fun with the pet costumes today. My little pullet doesn’t look very impressed.
  3. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Almost forgot about "Miss Take" We didn't mean to hatch this chick. A sneaky broody got the egg past me and when I found it I saw a tiny bit of development. Oh well. This mistake egg was incubated by a hen but moved to an incubator for hatch. (We needed her to stay broody and care for some...
  4. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Here are some of my 2023 babies: These 2 are like an old married couple. I only hatched 2 males this year and am keeping the other one. I hope someone wishes to buy them together. Female is pure white. Here's my grayish girl This girl has pastel tones of tan, gray, and white. and this...
  5. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Don't know about what colors you'll get, but I had to reply to say how adorable are those serama family pics! Such a sweet rooster.
  6. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Not fair! Now you’re really tempting me!
  7. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    I have a serama male who only likes being with my big chickens. He was free ranging with them all summer and doesn't get along with my other bantams. As it started getting colder I was preparing to cull him but noticed that he was able to keep himself warm by burrowing under the fluff of a big...
  8. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    You have adorable tiny frizzles!! 💕 It actually doesn't take long - as long as you have a smart chicken. He worked with about 6 birds the first week - then narrowed it down to the top 2 for training. The fastest learner was a Serama named Popcorn. She learned to peck at the red target...
  9. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Not really into showing..... but maybe. Son is in 4H. He only showed once at the county fair. DS wanted to bring his Modern Game bantam instead of his serama. Also entered a silkie hen. Both birds got blue and class champ. The silkie ended up Grand Champion for bantams. Not bad for a 1st...
  10. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Here's the male: Is 340g (12oz) a good weight for 16 week cockerel? (big or small side?)
  11. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    You were right about the white. It multiplied. She now looks mottled. ....... Still stays with mama - who is broody again!
  12. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Raising orps and seramas together sounds very familiar. My silkie hatched a funny pair and mothered them even when the orp grew larger than her. The pullets did everything together. The serama was used to cuddling under the orp. I called them the odd couple. I was able to sell both to someone...
  13. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    They changed a lot in 11 weeks. The dark brown one grew gray wings. Later got touches of brown and today is mostly black. By 4 weeks the dark one had a mix of gray, brown and black feathers. At some angles, it still looked like it could be male. 7 weeks 11 weeks 1st week: The light...
  14. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Here are my Silkie's serama chicks. 11 weeks old and still being mothered. Looks like I was 0 for 2 when predicting their gender at 1 week old. This was the bigger, confident one I thought was male. Isn't SHE cute? The biological mom is all black. Chick was dark brown but mostly black now...
  15. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    I'm only getting 2 eggs from the bantams and 3 leghorn eggs each day. The turkey egg is every other day. No orpington eggs at all for over a month. Many funny-looking chickens in various stages of molt. Even a few beautiful non-layers.
  16. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    My turkey (6mo old) is already laying! Not sure what's going on. I have 3, soon to be 4 fertile eggs. I'm doing my best to keep the incubator in storage. Must resist. Must resist! I'm a little south of you - Chicago area- but we also get those way below zero days in winter. This fall has...
  17. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Here are a few more pics of my little fellow. He looks so much like yours.
  18. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    I personally like lacing. I'd wait until you see her adult feathering. BTW :frowI have your twin cockerel over here.... (This was him last month. He has a little more brown on shoulders now.)
  19. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Here are some updated pics of the chicks above. The little white one (who always sheltered under the bigger dark one) is now "Mr Obvious" That little hint of pink developed into a small red comb which continues to grow. No hiding the fact; he's a boy. The bigger dark chick continues to perch...
  20. Faraday40

    American serama thread!

    Time to play Pullet or Cockerel..... These are 1 month old (hatched Sept 15th) By first week I felt the dark was male. (slightly bigger and light one would always huddle under it.) Personality made me think the smaller white one was female. Now at 4 weeks, I'm wondering if both might be...
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