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  1. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    Here they have to be 5 by january to start, but each club may be different.
  2. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    I posted a few pages back. i start everything on the same day. Not all serama eggs hatch on day 19. Very few of mine do.
  3. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    wow! Like always, gorgeous birds ken!
  4. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    I dont think the bird was posed.
  5. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    Not a fan of Meadowcreek298. the eggs arrived broken scrambled and rotten. it was aweful and they said tough luck...even though he or she new they were for my 4th grade class. she was a real jerk. There are tons of better people around to get eggs from that have awesome birds. I personally...
  6. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    nurseshelly- I still think Phyllis is a boy and needs to come and live with me!!! Loved the pictures.
  7. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    i love the honey mustard roo, plus the dog in the background matches him too!!
  8. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    Looks like frizzles to me!
  9. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    I really am going next year, but I dont think that you can take livestock across state lines. I think there is a check point on the NM/TX border. Maybe someone can help us with this question. It isnt an issue for the NM/AZ border because they dont have check points. Thank goodness. I have...
  10. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    so hubby has the stomach flu really bad and asked if I poisoned him to get back back at him for jacking up my Cajun Classic Plans? DID I.................................
  11. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    Yeah!! You are on byc now. I just got your message from SCNA. I was just needing a pick me up since my CC plans got ruined thanks to DH. He is so in the dog house.
  12. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    No they were my own eggs. It has never happened before. One was a serama egg and one was a orphington. your go into lock down tonight. I am going to lower the humidity. I had 10 that hatched one that never pipped and then those to that pipped with a big hole and then died in the night. the...
  13. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    For you hatching pros I have a couple of questions: I had two eggs that had pipped with large size holes. yesterday was day 20 so I went to bed and when i woke up they had died. I wasnt worried because they still had a day and were getting plenty of air...any thoughts. also have you ever had...
  14. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    I was suppose to go to cc but hubby scheduled stuff that he wasnt suppose to so long story short we are not going. I am sooo bumbed. he says he is going to build me several breeding pens this weekend to make up for it. I am letting him really sweat it out. I am beyond disappointed.
  15. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    Artsy- how is ruth today? any better?
  16. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    Yeagin- how is the last chickie doing that you helped out?
  17. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    cant wait to see pictures!
  18. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    How old are they? I am guessing males.
  19. Memphisjourney2seramas

    American serama thread!

    bobby- great to see you. I dont have creeps me out for some reason. Yeagin- I love gayla and mayla. They are so good lookin'! ruth-did you get my pm. It has snowed here twice in the last 2 weeks. It is march. I should be sitting on a beach with a margarita not bundled up...
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