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  1. skylarms

    "Shrink wrap" vs. "Sticky chick"?

    I actually have seen that and have a similar set up. I have mine set on a Venoset line so I have on off control. Even with my channels full, I couldn't get it high enough. The paper towels work great, but have to be refreshed daily. Thanks so much! I love learning! you
  2. skylarms

    "Shrink wrap" vs. "Sticky chick"?

    Question if you don't mind. Mine are hatching now. One hatch at day 19. Luckily, it was a big, healthy chick. However, by last night, day 21, he had to come out! Because of this, I had to open the incubator. Humidity on both dials has nit dropped below 62. I have 6 that still have not hatched...
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