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  1. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I don't post much for various reasons. First being the rudeness of folks to others. How immature! I do read most of the posts and see trends in folks coming and going over time. I'm one of the going ones. I suppose not many will give a rats patoot and I'm OK with that. Just keep in mind that in...
  2. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I haven't posted for awhile but read the thread when I can. NEOCS was a success in my book! Thank you Coral for all you did to bring everything together and make it an enjoyable day, and to everyone else who did what they could to help out. I sold a few birds and visited with several folks...
  3. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hardly got any rain at all last night. Just enough to wet the driveway. Maybe that will change this evening since the forecast calls for rain again. I noticed early this morning that my favorite Serama hen, Bunny has developed a prolapsed vent. She got a nice, warm soak and a bath to remove...
  4. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I have lots of Seramas, as does JuneBug.
  5. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I know I miss posts sometimes, or just plain skip them if there are a lot to catch up on, so maybe if you'll post what's going on with your rooster again, someone will be able to help. If you're looking for a vet who sees chickens, Mitzi and I have taken our birds to Dr. Zinn to a clinic in...
  6. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Catching up on lots of posts this evening. bfrancis - looks like the snakes really like your place. Hope you get your brooder snake proof. Sorry about the losses. NanaKat & Cjarvis - your birds are beautiful. Those CWs are so pretty. You have both done a good job with those. We are...
  7. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    What day of incubation are the Serama eggs on? If it turns out to be a lone hatch, I will be happy to give you / your DD some more eggs to make up for the ones that didn't hatch.
  8. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I don't think so. I believe the only option is to edit your post and remove all the words.
  9. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hens will take a day off from egg laying occasionally. It could be that some of them are taking off the same days, so there are fewer eggs for you to find. Of course there are other reasons why there is a decrease in egg laying - heat - if they're too hot they could be stressed, causing them to...
  10. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Mitzi - your bantam Favorelles are darling! Love the puffy cheeks. To all the new folks - Glad you found us here on the Okie thread.
  11. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I'm gone for a few days and come back to over 600 posts to catch up on! Think I'll just start at the end and work my way forward. Got the new coop painted, linoleum on the floor and roosts built. There's just not enough time in the day to get everything done. I sprayed the yard and trees for...
  12. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Robin - keeping your FIL and family in my prayers for a speedy recovery. BBacres - your birds are pretty no matter what they are. I've always liked solid white birds. I had a very large White Plymouth Rock rooster for awhile that was absolutely gorgeous. Since he crowed VERY loudly, I had to...
  13. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Cute babies! I have put babies of different hatch dates together before, too. They usually do fine. Mine have to find their own bugs, though. I'm not about to raise any extras for them.
  14. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Evening all. I was sitting outside with my birds this evening when one of them came near and squatted, like she was going to poo, and this weird looking clump of tissue came out. A much nicer photo - of my cannas with the Black Minorca in the background.
  15. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    bfrancis - ya, when there's not an auction at Newcastle it kinda blows the whole auction-going momentum. I wish there was one (that I know about) in the eastern part of the state. There's an auction in McAlester on Friday evenings, and sometimes they have poultry there, but it's not a sure...
  16. upcdayz

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Bo - I haven't seen your Cochins in person but have heard that they're beautiful. Hopefully I'll get to see and maybe win some of them at the next auction you go to. Your location is stated as S.E. Oklahoma. Whereabouts? Are you familiar with the Crowder area? I am having computer problems...
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