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  1. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    Wow, I've never heard of such a thing. Chicken permits, REALLY?!! Gawd, NJ really sucks! Come move to Bayville, it's like the Wild West here. You can have whatever you want.
  2. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    I was drinking coffee and surfing the net, and just thought it was a strong gust of wind, or a loud garbage truck. Never even looked up. My neighbor across the street said he felt shaking and the pictures on his walls rattled. None of my dogs even seemed to notice. We are all very unobservant...
  3. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    Does anyone here have any contact info for Ryan's Roost in Galloway, or would be able to get in touch with her to give her my contact info? It seems she is only a Facebook DM contact, and I am not on FB (I even tried to creat a FB page just so I could contact her, but they suspended my account...
  4. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    It's nice to meet you! I was actually on here a long time ago, 6 or 7 years ago...but life got in the way. This is a great area to have chickens, half the people where I live have them, there are lots of roosters, and nobody cares. It's great!
  5. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    Jersey Girl from Bayville saying hi! I have a small flock of Ayam Cemanis, Silkies, Seramas, a Mille Fleur D'Uccle and a Brahma bantam. Sadly, my rooster recently died. All my girls are old and not laying. I'm getting some babies in a couple months from MPC, can't wait!!! I also have 3 beloved...
  6. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    I think I'm gonna go! I was there last year but didn't bring any of my chooks. Are you bringing yours? I'm trying to decide who I should take...
  7. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    Free little cockerels to good home! Hi there. I have two little boys that I need to rehome. I hatched them from Silkie mothers and the fathers were either AC or Serama, or both. They are healthy, nice little cockerels. I just have too many boys and need to find good homes for them. I live in...
  8. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    Aw, thanks. I need to get me another AC though! I currently have 4 of his (hopefully, his) eggs in the bator. I hope you find a good home for yours!
  9. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    Howdy...Cindi from Bayville here. Just wondering if anybody has (or knows of somebody who has) an Ayam Cemani cockerel or roo in need of re-homing...I lost my handsome guy in the avatar, Lafayette, and am thinking of getting another for my hens. I miss my AC roo boy and his silly crow.:fl:hit
  10. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    Oh crap, I just saw this! Were you there? I was. I was hanging out with the guy dressed as a chicken, lol. It was a cute little show, wasn't it? Next year I'm bringing my chooks....
  11. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    Sweet! We should have a secret sign, so we know we're BYC sisters, lol!
  12. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    No but I'm going to the "Miss Hen" pageant they are having there on May 5, lol! It's the second one and from what the owners said of last year's it sounds like a lot of fun. I'm not bringing any of my chooks, just going as a spectator. :)
  13. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    You are very close to me, LowLady! :frow :) I just moved from Lacey to Bayville a little over a year ago. People have chickens there too. I'll never forget the first time I saw chickens walking across Bay Way and I started screaming to my DH "Honey! There are chickens IN THE STREET!" Then...
  14. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    :goodpost: :lau
  15. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    He's beautiful, wish people wouldn't be such rooster haters! Move to Bayville, everyone has roosters here!
  16. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    A new member on BYC lives in NJ and sadly has to get rid of her 4 Barred Rock and 5 ISA Brown hens, bc of the township she lives in....she is giving them away. See thread: @JillMicheleDavis
  17. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    No probs! It's hard to find a good mechanic. Especially if you're a girl, cuz they think you know less than nothing (except, this girl had auto shop in HS back in the day, and replaced a few things in a car or bike or two). They're good people, been around a long time, and won't rape you when...
  18. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    I don't know about diesel? But I have been going to OTA in Lanoka Harbor since 2007. I turned my very skeptical hubby on to them too (he does the majority of his own work, but for stuff he can't do, he goes there). They are trustworthy, knowledgeable, and won't rip you off.
  19. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    They're cute!!!! What breeds of chickens you have, neighbor? (I'm in Bayville) One rooster is more than enough, thanks! I hope you find takers...
  20. pitbullmomma

    New Jersey

    It is too freaking cold here!!! I feel like I'm back living in Michigan. WTH??!!
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