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  1. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    Well it’s a vocalization not really a crow sounds like she is saying awechoo....but it’s fast and short...and not loud thank goodness. No saddle feathers no hackles weird tail and eye color as well as a cockerel stance....but it’s a female as far as I am concerned second dominant hen on the...
  2. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    Taken today....guess who started crowing? Yep one of the pullets. Can you guess which one? I also wanted to add....the crow was weak and only twice while I watched right after the rooster crowed this pullet stretched her neck and followed with her crow. Seems strong woman run on the farm family...
  3. Checota

    Chick sexing project

  4. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    Update on the Black Australorp pullets.
  5. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    No doubt they are Black Australorps. White bottom feet.
  6. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    Were bought as 4 week old BA from Murray McMurray received mid Sept so should be 11 to 12 weeks old. Have to say they looked pretty small for month old chicks. They are pretty good size now so I would say they look like 10 to 12 weeks old. They are with a silkie Rooster, from day one, the one BA...
  7. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    Still feel there is a cockerel amongst us BA Pullets. Plucked a feather and it sure looks pointed to me. Combs just beginning to pop will update in a week.
  8. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    (7 they are my pet chickens. First for me as a farm girl to have pet chickens but there are some of them.
  9. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    Had the 10 week old pullets out with the silkie Roo this afternoon. The Ameracauna/Araucana or EE on on their third color phase. Not sure how they will end up but they sure are prettier then they started out. Pic heavy.N
  10. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    My first with this breed and a few others as well. Most are easy to pick out, but this one and the silkie which turned out to be a cockerel have been the biggest challenge for me. I appreciate other experienced eyes to give an assessment.
  11. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    Thanks toomanyroosters. My gut tells me one is a cockerel. Been wrong before. Just something about this one. Wait8ng for those combs and wattles to drop. Hoping all are pullets.
  12. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    Posted an update. On the BAs 😉
  13. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    Posting updates of the BA pullets, still got a feeling one is a cockerel. Still have to wait for those combs and wattles to pop. One of these pullets has some mighty big legs and stands awfully upright all the time. Hmmmm.
  14. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    Ok that is young, give them another couple weeks, comb color should stay beige to orange color, look for bright pink and for later feather development. Keep us posted. My childhood breed. Great layers.
  15. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    How old were they when you bought them? Right now I see only pullets
  16. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    They do grow up fast. Should know for sure in a month or so. When those combs and wattles pop the sexes change quite a bit. Excited to have the time to watch them grow up. Full time working prevents that part of raising chickens.
  17. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    Hope your right, still think a cockerel is in that group of three, everything about this pullet says its a pullet with a rooster attitude and character. So hope it lays and egg and not stand up and crow.
  18. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    Well here are the australorpes, when recieved was told they were 4 weeks, but I think they were more like three weeks old, these pullets look to me to be 6 weeks old by all I have seen with feather and comb wattle development. I still see a cockerel and two pullets, let me know what you think.
  19. Checota

    Chick sexing project

    will absolutely keep you updated. By 6 weeks we should get a better idea. Hoping they are are all pullets got enough roosters on this place already.
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