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  1. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Find a large towel (assuming you are using a Styrofoam incubator) and fold it in half lengthwise. Wrap it around the bator covering the seam where the lid and bottom meet and fasten the it with a clothespin. then take a couple of wash cloths and cover the windows. Leave all the vent...
  2. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: I don't believe you need any help, I think you're doing just fine!
  3. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Yes, they are adorable! Love the pretty markings and contrast on them!
  4. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Well, I mentioned this hatch a long to my husband and he actually said "Hey, that's kinda cool!" I didn't hear anything else he said after..I was busy signing up .... something like but why? What ..bla blah...the chicks? How many bla blah blahhh the house? Where, bla de bla, bla bla...
  5. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Hi, My name is Bazy I am a hatchaholic I joined the New Year's BYC Hatchalong Do I have time to hatch one more batch before the hatchalong hatch? I just had this need to confess this I guess..LOL (we need to petition Webster's to add hatchaholic with a capital "H")
  6. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    "OOOWEEEEWAHHHH" ( sound effects..sorry the best I could do, but I think you get it...)
  7. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Brilliant! I can put the little silkie eggs there! Iill make little cups for them from the bottom of an egg carton! That will free me up five spaces for tomorrows collection! By tuesday I should have a free incubator!
  8. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    How did this happen!? I could swear somebody told me I had 50 spots!
  9. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    You obtain a temperature controller, heating element, source for humidity, fan to circulate the air and a mini fridge or something else more appropriate if you mini fridge has wine in it. Or remove the wine and drink it and make an incubator out of the fridge. Of course any future wine...
  10. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: YES!! RIGHT ON!!! See? It's not so hard?!! My next door neighbor just gave me a full view windowed wine cooler and I just had a major SCORE on an automatic humidifier just in case my wine gets too dry!! If I just put some heat tape and a temperature controller in a drawer....VIOLA! I...
  11. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: I wish you wouldn't put it that way. Your description makes ME seem like an addict...and I am NOT addicted. I just can't remember that my egg turner only holds 50 eggs and I always overflow it so I have to set up another incubator...It does hold 50, right? something like that so if I...
  12. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: I just have the thin ones, but they seem to be helping!!!!!!!! Whoo hoo!
  13. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Omg, meltdown the HEEECCKKK do I keep my humidity up in this awful dry weather??!!! Yes, I am screeching, and I have a lockdown at9:30 am in my (ill say it for you to get that detail out of the way) piece of CRAP lg incubator (or three). I have paper towels, sponges, restriced fan...
  14. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

  15. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Ha, ha ha!! and SOMEBODY is going to have almost 40 chickens in the house all winter!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist that.. I have a bunch of eggs set too, due to hatch mid November. (congratulations on the fertility rate!)
  16. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    There is a problem with this equation. The eggs due to hatch = 8. and the next set of eggs due to hatch = 8. everyone knows only half will hatch so you need four + four more in addition to the 8 you need to round out to an even number of pens. So you don't need 8, you need 16.
  17. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Best of luck doesn't sound right...Just not positive, I will say that I hope all your hard work pays off and all your testing is passed with flying colors!!..and aw, heck, GOOD LUCK!
  18. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: You may be onto something there. Maybe we should request our eggs be marked "Fragile! Eggs!" Or maybe just a huge orange oval with black lettering that says"EGGS!" I mean how is the postman supposed to know what a 'HATCHING EGG' is anyway? They probably think eating eggs are more...
  19. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh yes..Only half will hatch anyway, right? That's what I tell my dear husband when he says..hey, there are 30 eggs in the incubator and three weeks later he says...hey...there are 25 chicks in the hatcher... :/ I really must work on these hatch rates.
  20. Bazy

    Incubators Anonymous

    You mean you are supposed to STOP incubating eggs? Nobody told me that!
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