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  1. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    I have brahmas due to hatch any day now:). I've never had them but I've heard that they would be a good pet chicken.
  2. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    Set eggs for my first hatch ever today! Ack! I am so nervous but excited! Please don't let me fail these babies!!!! Grow chickies grow! My iPad does not like to do these replies. Sorry if I messed that up. I do wish you the best and a happy, happy hatch:)
  3. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    Set eggs for my first hatch ever today! Ack! I am so nervous but excited! Please don't let me fail these babies!!!! Grow chickies grow![/quote Crossing my fingers for you and wishing you a happy hatch:)
  4. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    I woke up this morning to pips:) Day 22 and I now have 7 pips out of my 7 brahma mixes. My English Orpingtons look like they have stopped. The air sacs haven't changed in any of them. Well, I'm not counting yet. I know temp can alter the day they hatch, but can misshaped air sacs do that too...
  5. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    Stil not a sign of 21! I'm impatient...I know it. I've always had at least a pip by day 19.
  6. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    W What kind of eggs did you lock down? I locked down English Orpingtons & thn some brahma mixes last night.
  7. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    So basically what I'm seeing is the membrane pulled away from the shell, right? I just don't see the chicks in those spaces yet (even though it maynot be time to see them that far). Did your chicks hatch healthy? I really concerned about this.
  8. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    Ok. Now for my next batch of hatchlings. I need some suggestions. These eggs were shipped and are set to be locked down on Sunday. The air sacs were insanely crazy when I got them. I let them set for 24 hours at room temp only slightly tilting them three times daily. I them put them in the...
  9. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    Thank you;). It wasn't easy. I fought with the humidity like crazy. I had to intervene on a couple because they were getting shrink wrapped. The fan in the Havo Bator 1588 just dries them out so quickly. There really needs to be a high and low speed. I was a nervous wreck. Yet, I'm putting...
  10. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    My 13th finally hatched. 13 out of 14 pretty darn good even if I do say so myself. We're pretty proud of these little sweeties.
  11. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    Everyone else hatched and and they were fine. They are all active and not missing any other parts. I was worried about 2 of them but they perked right up after some Save-A-Chick and heat. So far, I have 12 out of 14 hatched. One is still in the shell. I candled it and can still see it...
  12. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    It seems to be getting around without a problem.
  13. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    One for my chicks just hatched that piped yesterday morning at 8:30. It is missing an outside toe. The other foot looks fine. If it interferes with its mobility then we'll have to cull. This is the part that I hate about hatching. It makes me want to pack my bators up and throw them as far...
  14. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    Welcome & wow! May I ask, what do you do with all the birds you hatch? I ask because I'm almost as bad at hoarding mine as I am hatching them. Lol. I hate to part with any of them.
  15. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    I woke up at 4am to check the humidity and I had a pip. At 8:30am, I had another pip. Is 67% high enough or do I need to go higher?
  16. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh my gosh! I laughed till my sides hurt! So funny! Had to watch it 2x.
  17. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    I That is so funny. I could see myself doing that too!
  18. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    Today is day 19. I usually have at least one that pips on day 19. Nothing this time. I know it's early and I'm impatient. Hurry, hurry, hurry- and be healthy please.
  19. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    So funny! My husband would have a fit if he knew that I was looking for a fourth or one that would take the place of all these together. Hey, that sounds like an even better idea. Except, then I'd have several bigger ones...
  20. ChickSter99

    Incubators Anonymous

    Good luck with your hatch.
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