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  1. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    No running the incubator for me this summer. Had two broodies hens and a broody goose. Who knew they would kill all the eggies. :'(!!!? TOO HOT!!! I am going to start again in October or Novemeber.
  2. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    Well, it is a Silkie cross. I can't tell you what momma is, but this is her.
  3. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh, and my incubator is empty! 4 hatches. 1st hatch complete failure. 2nd hatch 10 out of 33 eggs. 3rd hatch 8 out of 15 eggs, and 4th hatch 4 out of 5 eggs! The last two hatches were goslings. Not sure if we are going again. At least not until I get a new incubator. .. Hopefully by then, I...
  4. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    Waaaaahhh. I don't know what's up with my broody hens' eggs. I stole 3, on the 10th of June, and two of them hatched on Saturday. But all of my hens eggs air cells are liquefied. I can't tell if any are going to hatch, but they were all marked the same day with embryos... They should start...
  5. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    So cute!
  6. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    My first live hatch! Babes are now a month old!!! My second live hatch! Babes will be a week old on Wednesday, and tiny gos, is 4 days old. Out of 8 chicks that hatched, only 3 of The Bards made it. :'(, but they are healthy babes.
  7. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    What breed?
  8. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    I was hoping to get an umbrella cockatoo this week, but that didn't pan out, so I am just gonna get a new incubator instead. Gonna use my hova-bator as a hatch box, and just keep my incubator for "cooking".
  9. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    I love healthy hatches. So far I have done 3 hatches. Two were successful, though the rate was poor. From the first hatch (The Littles) almost a month old now, there were 7 babies, three didn't make it, and 13 didn't hatch. Second hatch (The Bards), 8 chicks and a gosling hatched, but two...
  10. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTO This is the baby that has what looks like its insides on the outside. Still very much alive today, and I wasn't able to see much left out. I am hoping it is a sign that it is healing on its own.
  11. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    She is very strong, and active and energetic. Seems to be doing great, but... :'(
  12. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    It is intestines. :( Doing my best to keep it wet. Poor little baby. Is she in pain? She doesn't seem like it?
  13. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    If it is yolk don't worry about it.... intestines probably will not make it.  Sometimes they can either not close at the umbilical cord or they can pull them out when they hatch...... I have seen chicks squish them out of newly hatched chicks too....] I can't tell if it's just yolk. Looks like...
  14. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    This time, it didn't hurt my heart as much to have failed eggs. I am getting stronger. Next set is about two weeks off. I am getting a new incubator. So, I am giving all the tots a chance to grow up a bit, and then start again. In the incubator now, I still have 3 gosslings, and a couple 6...
  15. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    I have no intentions of tossing until the weekend. We are on day 23, so there is plenty of time to wait. That being said, my humidity during incubation was 35% during hatch, I upped it to 65-68%. Temp fluctuated MUCHO during incubation. Between 102° and 105° because we were in triple digits...
  16. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    At 68% humidity, I thought they would be ok. :( It is the egg. I don't know why it hasn't been absorbed yet. :( But, little one has plenty of time. Just hatched yesterday. Will see what happens.
  17. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    8 out of 15. With 15 internal pips. Baby number 6 still has what looks like his intestines out? No assists this time. Looks like maybe shrink wrap inside the egg? Everyone was perfect at lockdown... Thoughts?
  18. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    Day 21. 15 internal pips. 1 external from a goss! Super jazzed. I couldn't believe when I candled on lockdown, and every single babe was alive and kicking. Can't wait to see what happens...
  19. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    Help, again? Hova-bator. New wafers for thermostat. My thermostat is turned down to low, because my temps here have been in the high 90s. Today my incubator temp was 105°! :'( Inside my house is sitting comfortably at 75°. What can I do? An
  20. Dawnrenae

    Incubators Anonymous

    Relieved and overjoyed! My gosling is starting to come out of "her" shell! I don't thing the nest mate is going to hatch. I thing something terrible happened during lockdown. But, it is just now hatch day, so, we'll see in a couple more days.
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