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  1. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    They should be here Thursday or Friday. Depending on when they get to Green Bay.
  2. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    Shipped eggs. Do I let them sit for 24 or 48 hours upon arrival before putting in the bator?
  3. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    For those that were following. The incubator I had the heating element is fried. DH moved it into our bedroom and ran it for over 24 hours and it got up to 35 Celcius. So the incubator has been replaced for now. He will probably tear the old one apart and replace the heater.
  4. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    The previous hatches in the Kitchen and the bedroom went fine. We moved it to that room and had the issues. My 6 yr old told me that one of the older boys was playing with it. Usually the older boys playing with it means I have to replace it or they just fiddled with the settings.My husband is...
  5. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh that is an idea. Now to see if I have a space heater that I can snag from elsewhere in the house. When we have the brooder back there we have to use two or three lights to keep the chicks warm. We did have a space heater in there last winter due to how much is sucked the heat out of the rest...
  6. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    It is set to go no higher than 38. I could not even tell you, but it is cold enough in that room that you notice it when you go in and out of the room. Now my husband is thinking that the thermostat may be the problem. I am to the point I may just go and buy a new one and setting both up in...
  7. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    Currently the incubator is at 31 C. So that room gets cold even with the rest of the house being much warmer. We have yet to figure out why that room is always so cold. It is currently 73 F outside and the incubator is holding at 31 C which is about 87 F. So 20 C would be about 68 F. Even when...
  8. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    This is the best I can do as for my incubator, Had to find a picture online of it. I have had wonderful hatches before. I really am thinking it is the room we moved it into. Being I am in NE Wisconsin 20 C is nothing for us to hit. Even putting my hand inside I can tell it in not an error...
  9. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    I am not using a Styrofoam incubator and the temp drops were not when the incubator was opened. It was during the last week. We got a cold spell and even with blankets and towels packed on it the incubator could not hold the temp. I had one hatch go bad due to it being unplugged an the last one...
  10. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    I may have some Buff Orpington eggs coming next week. Incubator is plugged in and running to get it up to temp. Want to make sure it will get up to temp and maintain the temp. That was the issue with the last hatching. Temp took a nose dive twice.
  11. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    If I can get the Wellies and Jersey Giants in the outside hut to grow faster I can move them to the big bird coop and then the Silkies outside. My brooder would be free and I could hatch more eggs.
  12. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    I have 11 of 20 eggs hatched. I had 15 due today and 5 silkies due tomorrow. The silkies are hatching a day early for me.
  13. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    Poor hen is going to be beside herself. LMAO Congrats on the babies.
  14. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    I had 10 Welsummer chicks hatch last night. I have 1 that has done nothing. giving it another day. I won 6 in an auction and the guy sent me 12. 1 was a clear at day 14 so I tossed. 83% hatch rate. Hubby said since I paid for 6 I have a 166% hatch rate. LOL last night's hatch I have 5...
  15. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    You really did not ask us if you should get a third bator, did you? Like anybody here could say "no, don't get a third, fourth or fifth bator."
  16. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    Staggered hatch can it be done in 1 incubator. I am going to see. I have Welsummer eggs due to hatch June 28th. D'Uccle eggs due to hatch July 1. These are not set yet, but should go in tomorrow. Sebright, Ginger Reds, and mixed mystery eggs due to hatch July 3rd. I have been waiting a...
  17. Kelsykin

    Incubators Anonymous

    12 Welsummer eggs in the bator. Due to hatch June 29th. Awaiting on 12+ Silkie eggs, 5+ d'Uccle eggs, 8 Buff Sebright eggs, 7 Ginger Red eggs, and 12+ mixed eggs.
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