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  1. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    Agreed. Mines forced air as well and its never set above 99 period.
  2. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    Ok so after a sensor snafu I've got the monster running and holding stable. Put the humidity controller through its paces today and it's holding its own :) bring on the eggs!
  3. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    Pics of mine are in my sig. It would hold temp down in the 30's im sure jut it would kill my power bill lol
  4. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    You'd have to wire in parallel for that to work. In series if one light blows it will kill the remaning bulbs. In parallel if you lose one bulb the rest will remain powered. -MCF
  5. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    I use wire elements for heat in the bator currently. But halogen bulbs would be an option. Otherwise ceramic heat emitters would be the way to go
  6. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    Bringing the bator in the house today. Im not even going to screw with trying to keep the barn climate controlled for it.
  7. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    Jealous of yall hatching right now. Seriously
  8. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    temps down to 60. Storms calmed down now just rain and little wind
  9. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    3000lb rated ratchet straps bro :) the roofs a big-rig load tarp lol. 50 bungies and the straps she's good to go
  10. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    Yay... tornado watch tonight. Almost 830 and the temps still at 72
  11. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    Calling it a nightmare is putting it much too mildly... its going to be a slow slow uphill battle unless my crap luck changes in a hurry
  12. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    Hey y'all! Finally getting back in the swing of things after 4 moves this year. Flock got decimated between moves dogs coyote and 2 psycho landlords one poisoning them the other shooting them out of spite. So with only a handful of turkeys a trio of african geese and 4 ducks left its back to...
  13. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    Zoo did you get that link for the mesh for the incubator?
  14. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous voila :)
  15. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    So guess who is skipping 2300 posts? This guy! LOL Anyways I am back for the time being... Still in the middle of this unholy clusterfu** of a move :/ But Im alive
  16. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    Both turkeys are out :) duckling needs a bit more time
  17. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    all 3 external pipped now LOL. I cheated and gave the ducky a hand getting through the membrane when i was clearing the pip holes. Its ancona :D all 3 alive nice clean pips so everyone can breathe
  18. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    The duck has internally pipped :D just saw the little turd breathing and shake its head lolol. Ok I admit it I'm excited. Chickys dont get me excited anymore but a ducky sure did :D I prolly shoulda checked the turkeys but oh heck ill go back and look at them in a minute
  19. MarineCorpFarmr

    Incubators Anonymous

    tuesday is 28 for me too Aspen. 2 turkeys and my lone fertile ducky
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