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  1. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    Then you can set some of those oscellated turkeys you are going to smuggle back in your jacket pockets
  2. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    Had some sneak up on you & pop out of their shells unexpectedly didja I get that on occasion too, but since I turn by hand I usually catch them before they actually start hatching all over the place. I find a couple pipped & get them moved to the hatcher...LOL
  3. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    I have 4 bators, all pretty full with staggered hatches, chick, duck, turkey, quail...but with no shut-off planned. WELCOME TO IA!!!
  4. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    In my experience, staggered hatches that are only a few days apart such as yours will be aren't really a big deal. My suggestion would be to run as low of a humidity as possible for as long as possible & only raise it when you get that 1st pip (either internal or external). That way you don't...
  5. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    I have seen some pretty ugly Turkens Most of them are so ugly they are cute...especially the chicks I have people requesting them constantly, so even tho I don't care for them personally, I buy or hatch any I can get my hands on because I know I won't have them long & can double to triple my...
  6. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    I got to the point with everyone wanting MY hens that I just finally tell them now "That 1 belongs to MY child/ren & they will throw a fit if I let you have it." When they point at my SQ Silkies or Si22le roo & want those, I tell them I have over $50 each in them with just MY expense & ask them...
  7. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    I hatched out 3 little silkies & si22les from Marie & 3 days later hatched a cochin from elieugene6 & those darn ornery silkies kept pecking it in the face. They were even all the same si2e. Once the little cochin had it's whits & could peck back they quit, but still...YESH!!!
  8. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    White leghorn hens with New Hampshire roos make Golden Comets
  9. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    This weeks's hatch went much better than the 1st batch of eggs you sent. Thinking heat during shipping & the issue I had with a flooded basement wreaking havoc on bator humidity probably coulda had a lot to do with the 1st batch. Everything that popped outta this batch has made it & is doing great.
  10. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    If the roo that is playing Mommy is getting beat up then the chick is likely to get killed. Better to keep them separated until the roo decides it's safe for baby to return or until baby is old enuf to fend for itself. How old is baby now...
  11. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    I always pull my babies after hatch too. Part of it is a lack of space where I can adequately isolate broodies within my coop & part is due to the "flightiness issue" you mentioned. I like to be able to walk over & pick up my chickens without having to chase them. All that I have brooder raised...
  12. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh...mine were from Donna. She did warn me there were a lot of young pullet eggs in both of my batches, so that's probably part if it...and of course there's always the dear old USPS
  13. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    Not sure if it's an issue with pullet age or someone along her USPS route, but I've had pretty low hatch rates there too...yet she always sends me tons of extras, so I guess it kinda compensates for the hatch rate. I did get 2 actual BLUE barred rocks to hatch from her eggs this week tho, plus a...
  14. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    Ummmmm...maybe I cheated & used the chicken calculator
  15. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    Yup...SLW roo over BLRW hen will give you: 25% Pullets, blue patterned redshouldered/cream laced 25% Pullets, black patterned redshouldered/cream laced 25% Cockerels, blue patterned yellow/golden laced 25% Cockerels, black patterned yellow/golden laced So your cockrels will be the darker...
  16. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    SLW roo over BLRW hen also make sex-links. The roos are the darker chicks.
  17. Nsampsel

    Incubators Anonymous

    This is actually a good way to dispose of excess roos. I sent a couple of mine to be snake food a week or so ago. I used to raise mice & rats to sell specifically for snake food, so I reali2e ALL animals hafta eat, even if we don't like the idea of WHAT they eat.
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