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  1. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    Yup, I'm like and and
  2. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    Right now, I'm just trying to get the most colorful eggs I can. I had an EE roo, but I didn't find out until his daughters started laying green eggs!!! But then laying slowed down and when it picked back up, the roo I'm going to be using for breeding started getting older and started mating...
  3. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    Good hubby! I wish mine would do that! lol I got two chicks yesterday, looks like it might be one girl and one boy (that's to have a flock for my one girl that hatched three weeks ago). Two more eggs are looking good to hatch in the next few days and two more look like they might hatch by...
  4. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

  5. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    I have 9 eggs in. I set 8 three weeks ago, lost one a week later, and then set two more a week after that. I candled on day 18 and the most developed ones looked like they were at day 16, the rest didn't even look that far along. I candled yesterday (day 21) and 2 looked pretty much ready for...
  6. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    What do you have? Post a pic, if you can.
  7. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    for your
  8. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    IDK either. I've had two Orpington crosses. One with a GLW: And one with a New Hampshire Red: The one on the left. We thought it was a girl, but it turned out to be a rooster. I'm sorry I can't find a better picture of him. Congrats!!! Pips are exciting!!!
  9. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

  10. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    She kind of started setting, but she didn't really take it seriously soon enough for me to leave her. I was able to keep two of the eggs, so I put them in the 'bator.
  11. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    I'm still waiting too. On pins-and-needles, of course!!! She's got until tomorrow to prove to me she really wants to. Then I'm going to just leave the brooder open and see what she does. I'm not looking forward to that!!! Congrats!!!!! I'm still waiting and I don't know for how long. At...
  12. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    My hen seems to be in a pre-brood. I'm going to give her two more days to get into a good, deep broody mood. If she doesn't, then I'm going to have to stack them back up in the incubator.
  13. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    I unstacked the extra eggs and gave them to a hen. Please help me hope she goes broody on them and a lot of them make it and that a lot of those are girls and that a lot of those lay me green or blue eggs...
  14. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    I was wondering if anyone has an incubator they'd be willing to part with for free or cheap. Please PM me. I have an EE rooster, but I have to re-home him. My junior roo has already started mounting some of the hens, so I won't be able to be sure of who's eggs are being fertilized by whom...
  15. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh, did I mention that... Since only one hatched, I have to hatch her a flock!!! So I set one egg from each of my hens (8) and they're due Dec 11th. I'm sooooooo egg-cited!!! There are pics on my thread. If anyone wants me to post them here, I will. =)
  16. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh, wow! Are they already starting the NYD Hatchalong? I better get over there. I might actually be able to participate this year!!! I'm sorry, Hon! Thanks. =)
  17. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    I got one chick out of my last hatch. Here's Golden Nugget (b/c she, I hope, hatched out of an egg from Goldie). I had to assist a little. I had sworn off assisting, but...she needed it!!! She came out, f-i-n-a-l-l-y!!! She still thinks the therMOMeter is her mother. Light...
  18. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    I'm sorry to hear about your troubles!!! I'm getting an incubator with a thermostat and auto turn b/c I don't have time to check every hour. Start 'em young, they say!!! Is there a Pre-Enabler Award??? If there is I nominate @CharterChick for it!!!
  19. TeaChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    I'm hatching mutts too. The hens are red sex-links and the roo is an EE with WL and GLW. I'm calling it practice for when we have purebred eggs to hatch, but really I just like having babies around all the time. DH already knows that, but don't tell him. Saying it out loud is different than...
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