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  1. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Aaaaah it is indeed good to be back. IA kids, I've missed you. No more hatching for us these days but certainly a great thread to chat around.
  2. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    I thank you so much for the suggestion!!! When I saw your post it reminded me of the space we have under our nest boxes in the enclosed coop...... Just called the hubs and told him about it. Wonderful wonderful!!!
  3. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Was awakened at 0430 by a skunk attacking the brooder where we have our grumpy Barred Rock. She was flailing around so terribly that her comb has a cut on it, but thank God she only had a little blood and it looks great this morning and should heal nicely... I hope. Now... what to do with her...
  4. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Holy Moly these are tremendous.... just gorgeous, Karen.
  5. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Congratulations! It's been a good year for you, yes?
  6. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Great options out there everyone, and again, thanks. It seems that having the one particularly mean hen separated in the night has been the key to fewer pecks and mouthfulls of feathers. We have supervised free ranging, and unsupervised free ranging.... neither of them make anything...
  7. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Whoa.. as usual I bow to the knowledge in this thread. Thank you so very very much. We have a small area for the littles to scoot under, but varying sizes of birds is a challenge. Have English Orps and Ams. Haaaa! The ORPs are giant and Ams as usual... darling and petite. We're hanging in...
  8. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Just a quick question for my favorite IA folks....... I have my 2 one year olds who we have just integrated with the juniors and the older girls are beating the hell out of the wee ones. Juniors are 3.5 months old and are outnumbering the big ones, but my B*&%chy Barred Rock has had to be...
  9. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    CAN relate..... need ANY grow out pens. So good to see that I can have dreams of a bigger back yard!
  10. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    That is awesome! We are laughing here so hard...... think that sounds great.... nice one Karen.
  11. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    OK..... that's what I thought originally too.... HOWEVER, all three are absolutely identical...... sooooooo beautifully silly and very very sweeet.... very very sweet.
  12. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Please forgive me.... I haven't any idea how old these three are, but for some reason I kinda liked them...... very quiet...very peaceful.... and all three came right to the fence and looked right at me. Maybe they were telling me telepathically...."we are sooooo ugly and cross beaked...
  13. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Hey everyone... I have a quick question. Saw three of these at the feed store today and I took pics, of course. I am horrible at naming breeds that which I am not familiar..... can you mahvelous experts help me out? Thanks everyone! Jane
  14. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Ooooh wonderful. Great stuff... yippeeeeeee
  15. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Happy 4th of July everyone.... it's been a beauty! New coop is almost done, it's an Independance Day miracle.
  16. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    You are a horrible terrible... just awful influence. I just turned down four lovely silky eggs (for freeeeeee) cuz I was told very gently that having 22 in the laundry room isn't allowed..... and that's the number we're at now. I want want want all of them. Grrrrrr.
  17. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Wish I had your troubles.... have 10 new babies under a week and as they're truly beautiful breeds and should be easily given/sold/loved away to friends, family, and chicken lovers... there aren't any takers at the moment. It's OK... I can wait and get some fuzz therapy in the meantime. BTW...
  18. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    So jealous.... I know that this isn't a huge deal here in IA land, but for where I live, I could be in trouble with the hatch that's in the bator. Hoping that I'll have a few customers looking to become urban farmers!
  19. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Hey there IA folks... I have a group of eggs scheduled for lockdown tomorrow. They are all chicken eggs... HOWEVER, the air cells don't appear to be big enough.... maybe by a day or so. Most of them are full of chick, and everyone is moving.... appearing ready to go relatively soon. Here's my...
  20. jandrusrn

    Incubators Anonymous

    Will have to read up on "self blue" vs "blue" vs lavender??? Very very confused but the best part is that it gives me stuff to learn. Yikes I love this thing. Thanks Karen for always giving me great information.
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