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  1. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    To show you the resilience of chicks. I loaned my DIL my table top incubator and some silkie eggs. They were due Tues the 4th. On Sat it got unplugged and wasn't noticed until Monday morning, so about 36 hours at 72 degrees. On Wed a chick hatched. I haven't heard from her yet today to see if...
  2. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    Well in a way EE are already mutts so I don't really consider them different if they lay brown instead of green if they have at least one EE parent I call them an EE. Several of my girls from last year lay brown eggs, but have modified pea combs. I'm thinking their daddy only had one blue egg...
  3. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    You should come over to the EE thread ;-) Love my EE. I am breeding for bigger meatier birds so the boys will get to a decent fryer size quickly. Also breeding for larger eggs (some of mine lay very small even in their second year) Along with pretty colors of birds and a variety of egg colors...
  4. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    But what is your humidity those 18 days? Mine will drop to 10% or lower without water added. And I don't think that is very good either
  5. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    Waiting on the first hatch of the year; due today; but nothing so far. I am thinking my thermometers may be off and they might be cooler than they should be. I'm going to candle in a bit and see if I can see any internal pips. 5 BCM 4 EE 3 silkie Just put in yesterday 18 purebred Ameraucana...
  6. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    my bator has been cold and lonely for a couple of weeks now.... I have to be gone over night a couple times between now and Jan 5 but when I get home I'm going to start collecting some BCM eggs for a test hatch
  7. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    no, the BCm hasn't even pipped the shell yet. Will candle tonight and see if it's still going in there; gotta run now, late for work already
  8. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    Well 3 little olivers have hatched, 2 yesterday and a latecomer today. One BCM egg seems to have died a couple days ago; the other it does sound like some faint pecking in there so will leave it in longer. Have some more due on Thanksgiving day.
  9. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    Let the hatching begin! Due on Mon; 3 eggs from my EE covered by BCM for olivers and 2 of my very first BCM to be hatched here. Due Nov 28 One egg from my purebred blue Ameraucauna covered by BCM for olivers and 6 BCM Just put in tonight, so due Dec 7, 4 more BCM and 4 more olivers from the...
  10. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    that's cool. I ran across the directions online from an old Sears caponizing kit, but really would like to see more. Might do as they suggested tho and practice on a fryer after he's dead
  11. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    I would like to find someone to show me how to do capons! Just a little fearful of trying all by myself the first time
  12. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    when my kids were growing up all buck kids were named BBQ, all pigs were named PorkChops & Bacon. They could name breeding rabbits but none of the babies. Now that it's just me, I don't usually name anything, unless they earn it in some way. Still most of them go in the pot at some point or...
  13. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    last spring I had 100% hatches on Welsh Harlequins, had one duck, laid every day I set eggs every 7 days. Occasionally an infertile one, some of the early batches had low development rates; but I think they were getting frozen before I could get to them. I ran about 25-30% until lock down then...
  14. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh WOW OH WOW OH WOW! Man isn't that a great idea! dang I may never turn this thing off now!
  15. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    my redwood probably held 300-400 eggs before the lower tray was modified with hatching baskets (so it's taller and takes up more space). I just measured the top board where the original water pan would go, something like 18x18" and went hunting for something that would fill that space as close...
  16. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    I have an awesome Robert Bradley redwood incubator from the gosh, probably 40s or 50s. All spring I had great hatches (even 100% on some of my duck hatches) There are two regular trays and the bottom tray has been modified with hatching baskets. I put this weeks eggs in the top tray, then each...
  17. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh dear. I was in deep doo-doo after three months... can't imagine a year....
  18. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    Well I have been doing a very small hatch; 6 EE eggs and 4 ginormous ones from my Wellie/leghorn girl. Rooster is my lavender orp x EE boy Earl Grey. This is the first time I"ve used him. Just a small hatch because I really really really don't have the space, but wanted to see how his chicks...
  19. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    They are probably referring to wet bulb humidity, not the relative humidity so many use now. Used to be incubators had two thermometers, the dry bulb was the air temp and the other had a little wick that was wrapped around the tip of the bulb, with the wick in a cup of water. This was the wet...
  20. maryhysong

    Incubators Anonymous

    well shoot, where's the fun in that ;-)
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