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  1. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    I may be in hoarder neighbor just informed me he has 2- 600 egg incubators and 12 styro's he doesn't use......
  2. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    I googled again to just make sure..just no green tomatoes red ones are fine... well i did that the chicken ate the bottom and killed the plant..I did plant some pea's along their run witch is the back side of my garden just for them, and some kale..
  3. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    it is the plants that are posion to even us...the tomatoes are fine many dehydrate or freeze for winter treats..or plant cherry tomatoes along runs so the tomatoes hang in reach..
  4. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    Tea Chick I am sorry didn't mean to sound that way.. i was just offering some others eggs for practice mixed breed or cheap eggs(free ) are great don't want the chicks just give them away won't hurt my feelings.. why learn on high dollar eggs when there is a skill to hatching shipped ones...
  5. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    they are all mixed together I wouldn't charge anything too hot right now anyway just cover shipping..with the space I have I could separtae the barred for you as I only have 1 hen of those she is so sweet follows me around singing at me. the buff brahma roo's acttually have the nicest...
  6. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    Tea chick I am aware..i had offered to just give some of the others and still too hot to ship eggs right now very far so i was going to seperate next week or the week it is hot here also and my breeding cage for them is kind of little i would rather have them mixed and happy right now...
  7. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    Calichick.. I have bantam eggs lol haven't got them seperated. Barred cochin,ee,columbian wyandotte I know are laying. Partride cochin,buff brahma are also in that pen. The little wyandottes stick to them selves so they are prob pure.I have my cochin roos locked up in a naughty boy pen untill...
  8. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    LOL..maybe when it cools down more good time of year to learn on some of the harder to hatch breeds like Marans as the paint in thinner and actually easier for them to get out...I have bantam eggs coming out my ears could be pure could be mixed..they tend to run around with their own types...
  9. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    I incubate in my basement for that reason it stays a fairly steady temp year round, and the humidity is right about 35 % year round I have a dehumidifier that keeps it there so a lot easier for me as i know there will be no temp spikes or drops..and it is is heated by my boiler pipes running all...
  10. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    I think 47.5 C it too high you will cook the eggs not hatch them mine runs at 37.9 C. and that is just a tad high Adjusted for my incubator running a little cool. i hatch right at 21 days.
  11. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    I just seen a posting for a free cube chest freezer thinking that would make a nice incubator...of course i don't need it...but still bet it would work..and hubby used to work at maytag probably could make just the fan run...hmmm
  12. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    actually i have seen 3 liter bottles in places like the dollar tree with soda in them ...
  13. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    those caps are both the same size i know because rabbit water bottle 32 oz tops fit on no heated wateres needs just lots of empty pop bottles in the winter and chage out 2 to 3 times a day
  14. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    go fund me isn't too bad it keeps 2.9% that is to handle your payout etc..and any money you raise is yours so if you want lets say 500 and only get 100 you still get the 100 even if you don't meet your goal..i had a friend who's pet needed emergency surgery couldn't afford it got it funded in 2...
  15. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    I am such an addict I set up a gofundme account so i could buy the land next to my house to start a small hatchery but I also said I would donate eggs in the off season to my local food bank and roo meat..there is a processing place in town that would do it as a write off..there is no grocery...
  16. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    that would be a lot of washing with FBCM's
  17. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    Color/paint can effect things Maran eggs are easier to hatch right now..their paint is sothick many times they have trouble getting out ,but farther from molt they lighten up, so I actually have better hatch rate from them this time of yr..The heat probably effect fertility I know male...
  18. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    he was all black when he was a chick..I thought so too hubby swears not ,mean little sucker either way..i need to catch him and throw him in my naughty Roo cage..
  19. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    yep and there always seems to be that one pokey one that takes forever to hatch
  20. misbhaven

    Incubators Anonymous

    Mystery chicks are always fun...mystery hatchery chicks not so much anyone know what he is wrong little guy in a box they are not even sure..I think some type of game bird he looks and act nothing like any other bantam i have.
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