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    Standard of Perfection

    I stated Reds in my post but it doesn't matter what breed. In terms of the Sussex if the British Standard differs from ours then birds bred to their Standard wouldn't do well here. It's not about what I like or what anyone likes. It's about what the relevant Standard calls for.

    Standard of Perfection

    It's not a question of what I like or don't like. The British Standard for Rhode Island Reds is different from the American Standard. Birds bred to their Standard would not do well in shows here. Likewise, my Reds would not do well in a show in England for the same reason; our Standards differ.

    Standard of Perfection

    I have a British Standaed. If my Reds ever started to meet their Standard I'd have to cull the flock & start over. They wouldn't place here anymore.

    Standard of Perfection

    I would assume "dry incubation" would be a relative term. Could you hatch successfully w/o any humidity present? Of course not. In my situation I rarely add water to my incubator due to ambient conditions. My incubator is in a dirt floored basement [very old farmhouse] which for much of the year...

    Standard of Perfection

    Agreed. My assumpyion is the instance referred to was that the judge saw the bird lay the egg which would be the only circumstance where action would be appropriate. Simply finding the egg there would not warrent any action. I know a couple of clowns who think it's funny to put a duck egg in an...

    Standard of Perfection

    GENERAL DISQUALIFICATIONS Alll Breeds & Varieties 1. Specimen lacking in breed characteristics. Egg colour is a breed characteristic

    Standard of Perfection

    I don't know that anything happened. It's entirely possible that a bright, articulate man like Mr Miller has other interests & is otherwise occupied. I do know that my comment was posted 19 pages ago & Mr Miller posted several times after that. Given that I am at a loss as to why you assumed my...

    Standard of Perfection

    It was not my intention to silence Mr Miller & had that been my intention I was clearly unsuccessful. What I intended, and achieved, was to prompt those lurking into joining the desired dialogue. BTW-I only speak english. What exactly is involved in beig gobstopped?

    Standard of Perfection

    This is why I stopped breeding Bantam Cochins. Didn't like being that intimately involved with my chickens. :-]
  10. NYREDS

    Standard of Perfection

    Just checked & there are 17 pages of listings for Standards. Some are reasonably priced, some not so much but there are lots of them available.
  11. NYREDS

    Standard of Perfection

    Agreed Bob. The standard bred birds never did lay 300+ eggs a year. They weren't intended to as they were, for the most part, dual purpose birds. That said there are many breeders today who pay little or no attention to productivity resulting in birds laying 50 or 60 eggs a year rather than the...
  12. NYREDS

    Standard of Perfection

    Dupicate post-sorry.
  13. NYREDS

    Standard of Perfection

    Not to take anthing away from Wilber who was a great chicken man but there's another, still living Stringman out there. John Hayes of Mt Upton, NY. John is listed in "The Stringman's Scrapbook". He's well into his 80s & while he doesn't show much anymore he does still have a few birds. He...
  14. NYREDS

    Standard of Perfection

    dialogue: conversation between 2 or more people monologue: a prolonged discourse by a single speaker
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