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  1. chicken-owner-31

    BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

    I left the light on (like motel 6, HA) for 24 hours until they were 6 weeks old, then I unplugged it at night. They are inside, so I think it's more a comfort thing for them than heat anymore. But they are going outside next week and I wanted them to be used to the dark.
  2. chicken-owner-31

    BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

    My brooder was updated from a playpen to this: It's an oversized shipping box, cut holes in the side and top, covered in hardware cloth on the side (we have cats) and chicken wire on the top. It's just barely big enough for my 30 7 week old bantams, but they are going outside next week...
  3. chicken-owner-31

    BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

    WOW thunderbay! NICE!
  4. chicken-owner-31

    BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

    I am expecting my first batch from a hatchery this week and have set up a playpen brooder. The last time I raised chicks was 2 Cornish crosses and I used a Tupperware bin for them until they could jump out. Then they moved to the lizard cage. Hoping my new batch can stay in this playpen setup...
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