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  1. SunnySkies


    I do. A friend of mine lives in a subdivision in Calvert and got it waived because her husband has MS and the chickens are like therapy for him...he loves to go out and look after them. His health is failing, but the birds are keeping him going. But it was a tough road, and for a while, they...
  2. SunnySkies


    Yes, thanks! I'm a member of that group. I don't often read it though, just if I have a question.
  3. SunnySkies


    I DIY. I'm not reselling, just for my family. It isn't hard. There are some very good threads here with instructions. I do not have any birds for processing now or I could show you....probably won't be processing again until fall.
  4. SunnySkies


    My chickens and ducks have been out roaming around; I always give them the choice. The heavy winds we had here blew all the snow away from most of the coops, the cars, the house, etc, and off the ridge between the upper coops and the horses' run in shed, so they have places that attract warm sun...
  5. SunnySkies


    Excellent! I am so glad they are doing well for you. No explanation as to why, except that maybe that one is a bit slow to feather in. I have one roo I wondered for the longest time of he was going to have split wing, but the feather finally grew in, slow as cold molasses. That little lady is...
  6. SunnySkies


    I don't know. Your best bet is to call Kim in Salisbury.
  7. SunnySkies


    I wouldn't worry.
  8. SunnySkies


    That is all that will happen, unless there is a problem. For instance, if you live within 5 miles or whatever is deemed necessary of a place with an outbreak of disease, you likely will be included in a quarantine, where any of your birds that die would be tested and you can't move any birds in...
  9. SunnySkies


    No, I don't, unfortunately. They don't work for MDA, so I never met them. I did NPIP testing many years ago, but I was in the field with an MDA employee, who was certified, at the time. I can't get any to call me either, so I can't even get started on NPIP testing myself! If the courses were...
  10. SunnySkies


    Well, I happened to pop over to MDA's website, where they have updated all policies. Livestock will have new ear tag requirements. Not poultry, so I was mistaken. But poultry must have a numbered wing or leg band and originate from a registered flock if they are MD birds. Testing requirements...
  11. SunnySkies


    No. There may be a change in the bands, but I have to go back and look....I did not pour over the papers at the time. The papers are in hubby's car at work, but I can get them when he comes home this evening and double check on what, if anything, was changed for 2014. It was just the need to...
  12. SunnySkies


    Nice! The reason they have everyone register their flock here in MD is because the commercial poultry industry is HUGE. In 2004, there was a big low path AI outbreak on the eastern shore. I was one of the veterinarians involved in the outbreak. And we had NO IDEA who had chickens where, and we...
  13. SunnySkies


    I'll be at work, but otherwise, if I wasn't working, I'd be seeing what, if anything, I could get done. But there is supposed to be a couple warmish days next week too....hoping to get some stuff done in the garden and horse yard.
  14. SunnySkies


    I'm going to replace my waterers today. With what, I don't know...I have a galvanized one I am not fond of, and the ducks swim in the rubber pans if they have access to them. I could probably use small pans in the bantam runs and get a new waterer for the free rangers so the ducks don't swim in...
  15. SunnySkies


    I got through last winter and two summers with these waterers, which might be part of the problem...maybe they were sun and cold damaged too. Boo. I don't have time to run out several times a day, so I water twice a day, let everyone have their fill and when it freezes, it freezes.
  16. SunnySkies


    I think it was colder tonight than it was this morning here! My face still feels frozen!! My duck bucket froze completely solid. And I managed to break three waterers. How? First one slipped from my fingers and hit the concrete in the garage, where there is now an ice rink. The waterer...
  17. SunnySkies


    We have gravel in the top drive, but the prior owner paved the road up itself. It helps, but it gets super icy. Hubby parked at the bottom of the hill so I can easily get out of here in the morning. But then he tells me the road we live off of is kind of crummy still...I hope I don't slide off...
  18. SunnySkies


    We really need a snowblower. Sigh. No dinero for one right now. We plow by hand :drop
  19. SunnySkies


    LOL...but I think 6 inches of snow over a 500 foot driveway would defeat them....even my pigs looked at me today and said, um, we aren't plowing today, lady, and crawled back into their bed!
  20. SunnySkies


    My SFH quit after I managed to get a dozen together for the NYD hatch. But now, after the solstice with the days getting longer, some hens have started in, and I expect everyone to start up again soon. I'd have ignored the drive, but I have to leave for work before dawn tomorrow...someone has...
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