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  1. R


    Wow look at those feathers!
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    Hes's a splash wheaten the breeder was giving away because his colors were too light for her project. I'm not breeding to standard or anything so I wasn't worried about that, just wanted a handsome flock protector. I guess you could call him an EE since his color is off but he did come from...
  4. R


    He is a splash wheaten, and a light one at that, but he's still young. I mostly wanted him because he is sweet-tempered and pea-combed, he was a cull from someone's Ameraucana project, but if one of the girls goes broody, would be fun to hatch some EEs!
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    In other news, old mean rooster out, sweet new rooster in. Isn't he handsome?? My first true Ameraucana.
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    @poppsiej Welcome! What an adorable coop!
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    Sometimes people are so stubborn you have to wait till they figure out they are wrong on their own. I once got into a debate with someone who was from Sioux Falls, SD, who insisted that Sioux Falls was indeed the capital of SD. I said, well it's Pierre but okay. They said no, I'm FROM there, of...
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    Northern Colorado Feed Supply in Fort Collins has chicks. Argh! So hard to resist fun breeds you don't have yet :-p
  9. R


    she's beautiful! I love the laced reds, and I really like the splash! I've thought about getting some. My Welsummer is named River :-p she is great, especially now that's laying, but she is a total wuss! Lol
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    My hatchery birds have all been lovely, including this girl, who gets lots of compliments! I would like to try some local breeders too, though. Especially if I can learn to process the extra cockerels you'll get that way.
  11. R


    Thanks! I have been waiting for these lovely dark eggs! I got her from the local feed store, Poudre Pet & Feed, in FoCo. I think they order from either Meyer or Cackle.
  12. R


    I think the lazy Welsummer has finally kicked in! Of course she lays her first egg the day it's 3 degrees out :-p. She hatched April 18.
  13. R


    Poor frosty chickens. Uzi, I hope your fellow heals up okay! This is my first winter with chickens, I am impressed with how well they are doing. The EEs are outpacing everyone else in terms of laying... I'm only getting a couple eggs a day and they're usually blue. The April-hatched Welsummer...
  14. R


    What a lovely Thanksgiving gift! My australorp, orpington, GLW all lay very similar shades of light brown. The GLW egg might be one fraction darker. All three are in this photo. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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  16. R


    Cool! Where are you getting them from? I've always liked the look of the light Sussex and the coronation are really cool too.
  17. R


    Thought I would share our idea for winterizing panels (it's so warm right now but I know winter is coming...). Not the cheapest to make but I wanted something that would survive the Wyoming winds up here near the state line. Used Suntuf roof panels and fastened them to a frame of 2x2s...
  18. R


    4 eggs in the box today! Waiting for a new egg is so exciting! Pleased to see both EE laying in shades of blue/green. If the Welsummer would pitch in we'd be all set
  19. R


    Three eggs appeared in the nests yesterday....W00t!! To determine the new layer, I set up a trail cam in the coop. Worked great! Buffy the Orpington it is :-) I'm up to 3/6 laying now, yay :-) Also got 1000 photos of Whiskey the EE keeping everyone's eggs warm for nice of her. She...
  20. R


    Poor Bindi, so hard to enjoy a snack in peace these days, although, she did steal this squash from the birds, so if not for them, there would have been no snack in the first place. Such a vicious cycle!
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