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  1. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Well I started to read the 50 pages I missed and gave up after trying to do too much "chicken math" Haha Ok so question for you friends! Already looking for breeds to hatch next spring.... Ummm or this summer if I do my chicken math right with my husband! What is up with Cochins? Why are they...
  2. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Haha! I hear ya! Would you believe we had snow this morning!!! It was almost 90 degrees 48 hours prior! Our last freeze last year was February 28th! It's making my gardening planning a little difficult! I know we lost our grass we had just planted...
  3. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Haha, yes a little far ;) and we are 30 mins from Lubbock.... So we are really in the middle of nowhere!!!! Maybe next year! We can plan a trip to the famous Abilene zoo and meet up in Abilene! You are very sweet to offer though!
  4. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Yup and you feel better afterwards too! Especially when you can tell it would never live a good life. Pretty sure mine would have died by the end of the day... it was that bad.
  5. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Oh and for those who do not know exactly how big this dang state is. It is a 6 hour drive from us to Royse City. And 14 hours to get to the tip of Texas. I will be in Altus and around Stillwater though around the end of the month too for an OSU graduation.
  6. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    I raised hogs as a kid. Their names were... Pork chop, sausage ball, ham Daddy, hambone, jimmy, and dean. Haha, we called it like it was. We loved them and they fed us well!
  7. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    I did. I am trying the boots during the kids nap time!
  8. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Oh Boomer Sooner! haha, I would love that! But we are in the Lubbock area. I will be in OK next month though. Where are you at again?
  9. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Anyone else need a pick me up! Well my daughter made me smile this morning quite a bit amongst the stubborn bird saga. Thought I would share my cute lil chickadee and her chickadees!
  10. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Oh, and I am not sure if I have enough time but I am going to keep reading and try SOMETHING today. If it is not improved by the end of the week then I don't know what we will do. (see how we keep extending this chicks deadline for demise.... Hmmm)
  11. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Oh Sally I want to be your very special friend! There is nothing more I love than packages in the mail. Alas, after the last month and the problems we have had with shipped eggs I think my husband would KILL me if he saw anymore eggs arrive. I managed to purchase 91 eggs and because of shipping...
  12. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Most people on here know more than I do, but until they wake up I would say yes. Just leave em be. If the membranes are not turning brown, it will do the rest on its own hopefully!
  13. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    OK that is all the catching up I can do. Must go make breakfast and I must be productive today. Lil stubborn chick is still giving me grief. Poor thing is still not walking after being in his cup all night with its feet tucked in. That leg is right back out. It needs to make some serious...
  14. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    I think that is a totally legit question! I hope someone answered it. I am skimming over what I missed while I drink my coffee! Congrats by the way! Is that hen and her babies apart from the other hens and roo? Someone who has had a broody can probably tell you more about that but I thought I...
  15. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    I think that was hilarious! I loved that your Mom chimed in! My grandma who is 80 is on Instagram and Facebook so she can keep up with us, we love it. And with a wife that beautiful I am doubting you look like a floor of a duck coop!
  16. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    YIKES! Yes if it is not one thing it is another! And we had an egg hatch 2 weeks ago that was COVERED in yolk from shipping. It was the only one to survive the shipping and hatch. I like survivors, they make for neat stories.
  17. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    I feel ya! I am so sorry! Nature knows what it is doing so much more than we do. That reminder is tough!
  18. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Poor guy... breaks my heart. I ill go hunting for that thread! Thanks
  19. MommaBee

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Here is that pic again... And here are some more...
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