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  1. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Hahaha, I AM that crazy chicken lady who lives up the hill...and I have an itty-bitty egg biz; I sell about 7 doz week and it's a labor or love, not a huge money-maker. Actually not a money making enterprise at all. I was fantasizing I could sell enough eggs to help pay the taxes...but...
  2. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    He's got hipster mutton chops and no feathered feet, so . Prolly a mutt.
  3. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    I have a rescue roo that is black w/ copper cape, really long tail feathers until someone pulled them out...and the weirdest mottled black and red comb and black eyes. He is smallish. Anyone have any idea what he might be?
  4. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    for some reason they remind me of Meercats?
  5. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Is that the same Sevin that you use on plants? Good tip about the nylon; not that I own any...
  6. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    I have mites!! I have a jar of poultry dust with permethrin. Can I just dust the coop and nesting boxes or do I have to do all the chickens too ?
  7. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    I wonder if you went to an upholsterer to ask if they had any scrap pieces of foam they would give you? It looks like that type of foam.
  8. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Where's the little green vomiting emoticon!? I read recently that adding DE to the feed will prevent eggs from hatching in the poo. I don't know if this is true but I'm trying it.
  9. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Yes, she's been separated for a lonnnngggg time, then DH said she wanted to be back with her gf's after her poo looked normal again etc., but she was immediately attacked not in a nice way, lol, by the big roo and then the other girls just followed his lead. Smokin mad at him... So since then...
  10. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Doug, I read today that one cause of shell-less eggs is sulfa drugs, among other possibilities.
  11. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Hey all! Congrats on the hatches! I candled some of my Langshan eggs today to see how they were doing and the sampling I did showed perfect air cells and beating hearts!!!! My last two batches of shipped eggs from others certainly didn't do that good. These seriously look like I got them...
  12. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Quote: Originally Posted by gracie02 I have a question. I have a hen who seems like she's lost the will to live. She is at the absolute bottom of the totem pole, and the little ones will tolerate her but the adults will not. She was sick with diarrhea and weird looking poo, but she went...
  13. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    No, there are RIRs, NHreds, Bl. Austra., Americaunas, Orpingtons, one Ancona, Wh LG, Bl. Sex Links, SLW and RLWs, mystery rescue hens, and Brown LHs, and mutts. Those are the adults. Quite a variety but they look pretty on our lawn!
  14. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    He is GORGEous!! What breed? I want one....
  15. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    Thanks, that gives me an idea; I have two broody girls that I can take out and break of their broodiness, then they will hopefully be on the bottom and my sweet RIR will be able to hang out with her mean girlfriends again, lol.
  16. gracie02

    Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

    I have a question. I have a hen who seems like she's lost the will to live. She is at the absolute bottom of the totem pole, and the little ones will tolerate her but the adults will not. She was sick with diarrhea and weird looking poo, but she went through treatment with Corid and then two...
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