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  1. Cearbhael


    Actually Sulpha is used for people too. I took Sulpha for pink eye when I was a child, and my son got Sulpha back in the 80's when he had his first bad eye infection. I was not surprised to find it used for cats and dogs for eye issues either.
  2. Cearbhael


    Some one put a lattice screen up between the chickens and the outside world. That is one option you may consider.
  3. Cearbhael


    My aunt lost her welsh corgi to a German Shepard her neighbours owned. She talked until she was blue in the face. Even after her dog was torn to shreds, they sided with there dog, and the police said there was nothing they could do (found that really hard to take) I live in a town where an...
  4. Cearbhael


    Ralphie, I really think there may have been the remains of a thorn that was decomposing or at least had become irretrievable mixed in with the infectious material in his foot. Getting rid of it was a really good thing since it was feeding that infection. I had a cat that had scratched his throat...
  5. Cearbhael


    Yucky stuff that comes out of an infected hole in the foot or toe
  6. Cearbhael


    Congratulations on the new member of your family! Darling boy! Wish my boys baby pic was half as cute LOL! Mine had this very surprised look on his face (thanks to having a flash bulb go off in his face)
  7. Cearbhael


    Well, those 2 light kittens will be pointed and it takes 2 Himalayan genes (1 from mom and 1 from dad) to make pointed kittens. The Himalayan gene which is what gives Siamese those pointed colours, is very recessive. Both those parents could be carrying it. Well, actually ARE carrying it. Some...
  8. Cearbhael


    If you don't fix him "NOW" it will be an endless cycle! Or your going to have to intervene and bring mom and babies into the house. The babies will have to be raised until you are sure they are in no danger from daddy and they can manage on their own.
  9. Cearbhael


    Which is why "normally" mom kitties chase male cats away and hide the babies. Toms will "Always" kill the litters to ensure "their" genes are in the next batch. How they know a litter isn't theirs is beyond me, but our girl kittie sent her brother packing just in case.
  10. Cearbhael


    Duh, ok, I am officially "Thick"! Never thought to connect "cotton" with poplars. Maybe too focused on the name of the town and all the cotton from our local "Cottonwoods"
  11. Cearbhael


    I think CottonLouie lives near Cotton, and being from "da Range" myself, cottonwoods don't grow that far north. They do have lots of pines, poplars, & birch. Now in Foley which is near St Cloud and in "hardwood Forest" areas, we have lots of Cottonwood.
  12. Cearbhael


    Why did your poor 80 year old mother have to spend 2 hours catching him? Hmmm?
  13. Cearbhael


    Well that looks almost exactly like our 1890's coop but our door is more to the right and we have a window to the left of the door and the upper part is to the "attic". We need to put a vented cover over our's as well.
  14. Cearbhael


    I would put liquid bandage on it. It will be protected from dirt and germs while it heals.
  15. Cearbhael


    I am falling in love with Swedish Flower Hens. The don't have blue eggs. Their eggs are pale creamy brown eggs. They are people friendly, colourful, some even get crests and are natural free range birds. Very smart and quick. Good at avoiding predators. It is for that reason they don't breed...
  16. Cearbhael


    (Hugs) poor Ralphie, yeah, your MNnice! They saw you coming and going. I hear this story a lot!! My parents rented their home on Sanibel Island and had lots of damage and cleanup. People just don't seem to take pride in their home and if it is not theirs, they can treat it very poorly, no skin...
  17. Cearbhael


    A skunk is in the weasel family so yes they are polecats too as are Wolverines
  18. Cearbhael


    We (my parents) had a resort on Lake Vermilion and if we had a bear the DNR was out in a Flash to bag it and cub if it was a mother. Some times the mother had to be shot and the baby taken into care. We had lots of bears and very dangerous on a resort with guests and small children. It may have...
  19. Cearbhael


    Ha ha Ralphie he had to have been in my neck of the woods yesterday! It rained so much and so hard! Lots of lightning and thunder!! Today too! Grumbling and rumbling, and poured so hard and for so long our little babbling brook is roaring!!
  20. Cearbhael


    I had a pet ferret and tend to love those long bodied pranksters (Fishers, Minks, Ferrets, Weasels,..) They are all the same ilk, and they are incredible predators, with jaws of steel and shoulder and chest muscles like a Rotweiller!! My ferret grabbed my finger when he was behind my couch and I...
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