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  1. Dandelioness


    Fingers crossed, Minnie!
  2. Dandelioness


    If it's okay to do in your county, meaning regulations and such, I'd just release them where you are. It would be neat if you could see them out in the brush here and there over the years. I have a friend that raises ringneck pheasant and releases them when they come of age. I would worry...
  3. Dandelioness


    Thanks for sharing your chick pics, Minnie! Between the fluffy chicks and this unseasonable weather, I am feeling a case spring fever coming on strong!
  4. Dandelioness


    I'm thinking about fencing in a few paddocks for the poultry. They can be a real nuisance! But with paddocks I could let them range in an area & let the other areas rest. Plus they wouldn't be QCing my zucchini and tomatoes!
  5. Dandelioness


    If you decide to release them, maybe have them in a controlled range situation at home for a while and see that they go for cover, watch fit predators, etc., before actually releasing them. Of course, check laws and ordinances & whatnot. I'd take them, too, but no housing until I could knock...
  6. Dandelioness


    Tell me about the Blue Seal, ladies?
  7. Dandelioness


    Holmes!!! You have a problem, man! ROFL GLAD to see you're back in action!
  8. Dandelioness


    Hi everybody, I'm back in the Backyard! Had a busy year with the family & farmette. I've tried catching up from the point I stopped checking in. Three weeks later and I still have 306 posts to read!!! What I've gleaned up to mid August posts... Bert.... So bummed when he passed, but it was...
  9. Dandelioness


    No way! I guess I believe it, though. If they were just a teensy bit smarter...
  10. Dandelioness


    Why not plant some kind of shrub like azalea or lilac, maple shrub, etc? It will give cover to the hens and be kind of like a screen for your neighbors. As far as keeping it pretty on your own side, others may have better ideas. If I had a limited area, I would control their "grazing" by using...
  11. Dandelioness


    Well, for some good news: my CX chicks and the latest batch of hatchees are getting along well. Even my daughter's bunny is enjoying the run. The Sweeter Heater is working very well in the new brooder box my son made for me. And in a week or so, I am going to try and incubate another batch...
  12. Dandelioness


    She had such lovely feathering. It's so hard when you try everything & still lose one. But I think it's safe to say you did what you could. ((Hugs))
  13. Dandelioness


    Oh, we'll I'll pm you...I'm not sure if we're allowed to post links & such. :)
  14. Dandelioness


    If you don't find anyone closer to you, I know of a good breeder in Forest Lake, MN. I buy her pet quality birds, and they're still pretty nice. Her show quality birds are very good, I hear. I'm almost over by Wisconsin, so I hope you find something closer.
  15. Dandelioness


    I think last time I posted about chickens, I was trying to graft a second batch of chicks onto my little silkie. Well, she took to them fine but they didn't seem to understand to get under her to get warm so I brought them back inside and thought I'd just brood them with the meatballs that were...
  16. Dandelioness


    Oh my goodness!! Dead or alive?? Poor little kitty cat! ;) Ralphie, we're all going to miss hearing about the white rock's escapades. Good luck on the rest of your hatch, Scandiafowl. AussieGal, best of luck in finding some good care for your husband. Thanks for all the congrats, everyone :)
  17. Dandelioness


    Are you just using them for bedding? Some alternative or free bedding that we've been happy with: bagged leaves, arborists wood chips from a tree guy down the road, untreated pine shavings from a friend who does a lot of woodworking, sand (non-silica), pine needles. Hope that helps!
  18. Dandelioness


    A friend of mine did this last year - she was able to move them around in wooden chicken tractors for a while as they were young. They were a little under half grown when she moved them into a fenced area. Good eating!
  19. Dandelioness


    Holm, this is so sweet!
  20. Dandelioness


    Just hatched! 9lbs 3oz Little boy Had a decent hatch this week, too. Looking forward to catching up as I recover. Hope all is well with the MN thread :)
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