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  1. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    xiamenmom, I'm sorry your eggs never hatched. The nice thing about getting chicks from the feed store is they're probably all sexed pullets, right?
  2. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    When I get crusty/hair gelled chicks, I've used a very soft bristled tooth brush and brushed them out a little and that fluffs them right up.
  3. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    Sorry that i disappeared. I ended up getting a nasty cold that turned into laryngitis that turned into an ear infection and my ear drum ended up bursting. You'd think I was a toddler, but nope. I'm a grown up (theoretically). Because of my ear being so messed up, I have some serious vertigo and...
  4. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    LaseterLass, sorry about your losses. DraighAthar, love those babies. So adorable! Eggorthechicken, have you taped your splay legged baby yet? Xiamenmom, I think your babies aren't even due until tomorrow. I'd wait til Monday or so and then start to worry.
  5. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    Fun, congrats on your babies!
  6. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    Oh, DraigAthar, they are so cute!
  7. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    LOL Isn't that the truth? I really think they encourage each other on.
  8. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    I think you're probably right, hokankai- I think the thicker, less porous shells make it tougher to lose water. Hopefully everything goes smoothly for your hatch. I'm getting a kick out the mental image I have for a chicken walking backwards. I've never seen that.
  9. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    Good luck to all the pippers. I hope you get to see your babies hatch. I had two more hatch overnight. There's one left, but it's the egg that was 12 hours behind everyone else. It's still alive, but taking a break.
  10. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    I have had 4 or 5 eggs pip at the wrong end, and none of them ever needed assistance. I hope yours is the same way.
  11. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    I went to put the hatched chicks in the brooder and discovered a fourth chick had hatched! Wow. At this point, they all look like they're half black copper marans, half legbar. I have to admit I'm a little disappointed; I was really hoping for a couple of pure legbars. Once I separate my laying...
  12. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    SHE (ha ha) is like a cheerleader to get the others going. I left my house at 3:50 to go show a house (I'm a realtor) and they were all barely pipped. My daughter texted me at 4:30 to announce it had hatched. I was shocked! A second one is starting to zip. I think it'll be out soon. I've...
  13. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    I outsmarted it! Camera is live! A fourth egg pipped. The fourth egg to pip was an egg that sat in my fridge for at least 8-9 days before I decided to put it in the incubator. So, it's pretty amazing that it's hatching.
  14. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    This morning, my son woke me out of a dead sleep to tell me he heard chirping. Considering day 21 doesn't even start til tomorrow night, I thought he was imagining things. Well, I checked my incubator and 3 of my eggs have pipped! My eggs are NEVER early. Like ever. They usually start popping...
  15. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    Was it purple just in the winter, or summer too? My boy's comb had purple tips even in the heat of summer. I've heard that's anything from the altitude to a heart condition to just a big comb. Here's a picture I took of him over the summer. So, this was probably taken in 80+ degree weather, and...
  16. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    Woohoo! Congrats on getting your 2013 certification! Out of curiosity, what did they look at when you were getting the inspection? Ok, here is my cream legbar. My cream legbar rooster is right in back of her and is a white variety. I know that sounds crazy and like I was had, but it's a...
  17. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    Oh my gosh, DraigAther! I'm glad you hadn't moved them over to the hatcher, either. i know they're strong and resilient, but we may as well not make it a challenge, right? Yes, legbars lay blue eggs, which is definitely cool, but what I like is they're auto sexing- the girls pop out with...
  18. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    Something to keep in mind when you're looking at bulbs: Do NOT get one labeled "shatter resistant". They're usually coated with a teflon type substance and the gases emitted can kill your birds. Here's an article talking about it. I just put all of my eggs into lockdown. I did a final candle...
  19. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    Congrats Laseterlass! I'll be putting my eggs in lockdown tonight. Can't wait!
  20. Sphinx

    Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

    That lavender orp baby is so cute! I'm getting really excited for this hatch. As of two days ago, all seven of mine were wiggling. After I get the kids off to school, I'll probably candle again.
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