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  1. Mumsy

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    My thirteen eggs get their fourteen day candling on Friday! So far all are developing. Two more days and I will know how well. This is an important note for everyone. DO NOT open your incubator any more than you absolutely must. I candle only THREE times in 21 days. I DO NOT mess with the...
  2. Mumsy

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    Thanks. Yep. Know how that goes. I was hoping for four more eggs to add to this set but the hens laid a double yolker between them and then took a day off! Hah! Foiled again! I'm hoping for four or five female chicks to hatch out of fourteen eggs I set my expectations low so as not to be too...
  3. Mumsy

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    Seven day candling completed and fourteen eggs with 100% fertility! All developing.
  4. Mumsy

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    Sorry Nikki and all you that lost some. Hope the next and rest do well. I do the seven day candle tomorrow. Bator is holding a good 100 degrees on four thermometers. I'm doing a dry hatch and our rainy 40 degrees outside is keeping my bator humidity at a steady 30%.
  5. Mumsy

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    My seven day candle will be this Friday. I didn't set fourteen only thirteen. Edith laid a double yolker yesterday and It didn't go in the bator but the fry pan instead.
  6. Mumsy

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    Just the two hens are laying and they use the same nest. I'm retired and can see who is in the box. One finishes laying and the other waits her turn. The two eggs are slightly different in size. I mark them with a crayon as soon as I take them out of the nest. When it is time for lock down, I...
  7. Mumsy

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    I held my eggs for seven days. I've held them for over ten in the past and they still hatched. Temp under 60 degrees and turning them every day until they go in the incubator is key where I live.
  8. Mumsy

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    I set fourteen eggs yesterday afternoon. We can be hatch partners. My Silkies aren't old enough to lay yet. Maybe this summer. Ph = Phoebe and E = Edith. They are new Orpington/cross layers and I'm conducting a progeny test on them. The roo that covered them is a two year old rescue...
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