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    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    My TSC says chick days coming soon! I will have to check it out, and resist the urge to buy more!!!

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    Sooo cute! I have a sizzle rooster that is that color.

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    Checked on my eggs this pipped but at the wrong end! That's the second one that's done that. And I'm pretty sure it has passed away. I'm suppose to put more eggs in today but I still have some in the incubator hopefully going to hatch. I think it's time for another incubator. Does...

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    Thats what I figured too. It's just so dry. I even had a "tent" with a humidifier and that still didn't help. Now I have a kitchen towel folded up and wet. It seems to be working. The humidity is up to 70% now. I just figure whatever eggs were strong enough to make it till now are just taking...

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    Thanks. Enjoy the doll!! The one chick I have is a silkie/Cochin cross. At first we were worried about him/her. It kept falling over to the right but some vitamins and a couple days later and he's running around like a crazy chicken! He's loved very much already. I'm hoping the last eggs I...

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    I've about had it with hatching eggs! AHHHHHH!!!! I've had 2 hatch out of 50 and one of those ended up passing away. I have no idea why but now I have one chick. I have one that has pipped but it's not looking good. I was really hoping to be done with this batch because I've already got some...

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    My first one that hatched seems to fall to the right. :( I've been giving it some polyvitasol and got some other stuff for it. It seems a little better. But I had one pip last night and came home to another baby! I've Ben checking my eggs and realize that what's left should be hatching between...

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    Go to Walmart and get a cheap digital one. I paid about 10 bucks for mine and it shows humidity and the temp. It just sits in there and is not attached to anything.

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    So I went to do a quick candle of the eggs that are suppose to hatch today. And as I was checking them I found one pipping!! So far some of them look okay. But with the luck I've been having I will just be happy if any more hatch.

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    I have some that are suppose to hatch today or tomorrow. I'm hoping for a few so my little one has a couple friends.

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    I ended up with one lonely baby. It just happens to be the one that pipped internally and had some help getting out. It was also the tiniest egg. It's dad is a partridge silkie and mom is one if my buff Cochins. It shouldn't be lonely too long cause I've got more eggs due to hatch any day now...

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    I will. I've got 5 mire I'm hoping will hatch.

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    One has finally come out!! I had to help it. It was internally pipped for 24+ hours. I very very carefully took off some if the shell and then let it do the rest. Now the little one is resting.

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    During the summer I have no problems with hatching. This is the first time I've tried hatching during the winter and keeping the humidity up is not easy. I've got some that are still moving in their little shells, I just wish they would come out and play. The one that is making the most noise...

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    Good luck!! I've had some do that too. Thats why I'm having a hrad time waiting on these ones now. I know some are moving and some have internally pipped so it's making me nuts!! Lets hope that we both get some hatched!

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    So now I have one that has an external pip but not much peeping or anything. Not sure how long ago it did it. And the one that has pipped internally is still peeping and making noise but no external pip yet. Should I make a tiny hole for it or just try and wait it out. It's very loud when it peeps.

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    Still no external pip, but I still hear peeping so we are good. I did a quick candle and it looks like a few more are trying to pip internally. We will see. I have already started collecting eggs to start over this weekend. Hopefully whoever is coming out to play will be out by then.

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    I just went to check on some if the eggs. I candled a few and found them still moving so that's good. But even better I found 1 with an internal pip!!! And it's peeping too!! I re-wet the cloth and closed it back up. I almost think that maybe because I didn't have the humidity up enough the...

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    Still nothing this morning. I kind if hate to wait till 25 days. I feel like they might need help before that. Today is day 23. I will candle again to goingt and see if there are any internal pips and so if any are still alive. I just might open one or two tonight to see what's up.

    Setting eggs, anyone want to join me? Hatch-Along

    I hope something hatches too. I have candled th and they all have good air spaces. Most of them seem like they are alive but no internal pips. Today is day 22 so should I wait till tomorrow to open the shell in the air space or should I try it tonight? I've got the humidity up now.
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