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  1. chknman79

    Ducks gone!

    Spock, I did take care of a ground hog that was eating my garden (and maybe the ducks if they eat that sort of thing) with my litttle .22. I am a believer in protecting my own and if I caught a 2 or 4 legged predator i would confront it with a shotgun if need be. Not gonna let somebody or...
  2. chknman79

    Ducks gone!

    Well, it's been a while since I updated yall on our ducks. I went and bought 2 more Welsh Harlequin ducklings and they did fine for a while. We decided to put them into a different pen. It is the pen I had our chickens in before I got our coop/run finished and the same one I had our new BSL in...
  3. chknman79

    Ducks gone!

    Well, I went ot the flea market in Crossville Saturday and found two more teeny tiny Welsh halequin babies. They are so small compared to the one that was left by the duck snatcher. I can't believe how much they can grow in a weeks time. Amazing! Oh well, DW is very happy with the new little...
  4. chknman79

    Ducks gone!

    Thanks yall. I am just about sure it had to be a person that did it. I went home and looked and DW showed me where the cage was and there is no way an animal moved it that far and not turned over the water bowl. I just can't figure out who or why for that matter. There is all kinda stuff in the...
  5. chknman79

    Ducks gone!

    Not much use to call the police now! I know htey wouldn't put out an APB for a duck theif especially around here. i guess i need to keep a close eye on my chickens too. I hate to think somebody would steal ducks. I am the type of person that if anyone asked me for something i woudl gladly give...
  6. chknman79

    Ducks gone!

    It is very small wire, like 1/2" X 1" wire. They couldn't even stick their heads out of it. The cage had been moved 50 feet away from the original location too. You think a coon could do that? A possibility.
  7. chknman79

    Ducks gone!

    My wife went out ( In a cage beside the deck) this morning to feed and water the ducks(3.5 weeks old) and the cage had been moved 50 feet and all but ne duck was gone. I am totally bumfuzzled as to what happened. It would not be such a mystery but the water bowl with rocks in it was still...
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