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  1. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    Hi everyone! We just got a rescue duck today from a friend of a friend of a friend and we know almost nothing about it, but from looks and the fact it was found wild makes us think she's a mallard (we don't know gender yet so we're just saying she/her for the time being) She has the mallard...
  2. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    Okayy , I'll warn you right off , this is going to be a long one ;) I received 6 khaki Campbell ducks from Metzer , and they were all healthy and robust even though they had just crossed the country! I never knew how much mess these things make!They started out with a smaller tub but quickly...
  3. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    Loool , when I have to clean their brooder( have to put them in the bin they grew out of , and there are no shavings so I have to clean up everytime they go , so of course they ALL go once every 2 minutes...with 6 that boils down to cleaning every 20 seconds...sure motivates me...
  4. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    Framing on the coop is done , and boy this thing is huge!It could fit three times the ducks we are going to put in it , but it seemed more economical to keep it close to standard lumber sizes , so we have LOTS of room to grow ;) I am so in love with my babies , except for one small thing:they...
  5. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    Oh yes , they have been swimming supervised since yesterday.I made sure the water I put in their pan was the temperature of bathwater , and they only swam for 25 minutes tops.After that , they all got out and started preening.We do have a kiddie pool , but it's the large size(5ft round 12in...
  6. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    Why does Florida have to be so dang hot?!?My poor babies are out on our enclosed back porch and even though they are only 3 days old I have to turn off the heat lamp during the day!Their water was actually hot , so I had to put ice cubes in it...I feel so bad but they can't swim all day , even...
  7. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    They certainly are beautiful!I'm not sure what color that one drake is though , colors aren't one of my strong suits ;)
  8. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    The ducklings have arrived!The post office called at 6:10 this morning and said:Your chicks or ducklings or whatever they are are here I thought they'd be tired out since they just traveled across the country , but they were up , jumping around and OUT of the box...they weren't drinking even...
  9. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    They are beautiful!What color are they? :love
  10. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    Coop construction has officially begun!The whole complex is 12x20 , with the coop being 8x6. It's a huge lot of room for 6 ducks , but we want to have room for more ducks in the future...or maybe some geese :) My ducklings are arriving tomorrow!I'm so worried though , what if one doesn't make...
  11. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    Maybe it caught its foot in something , and twisted it , I'm not an expert , hopefully someone can tell you how to fix it Things like this make me nervous about my own ducklings...but I'm still excited as they are coming in just two days.
  12. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    Thanks , I'll try it.
  13. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    It won't let me upload pictures , help?
  14. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    Is the duckling that got stuck in the jug okay?
  15. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    Looks good , how many are you getting?What's all that pelleted feed for in the bigger tub?
  16. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    She has the body of a Welsh Harlequin/Mallard, but her head looks like a Saxony to me , with the facial stripes , probably a mix?Whatever she is , she's absolutely beautiful! :love Edit:Just wanted to add after I looked at the pictures more , it honestly looks like someone transplanted the head...
  17. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    Awww , so cute!Every time I see ducklings I think about mine , which aren't coming for another 27 days , which is so darn long to wait , I just want them already!
  18. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    What is the appropriate niacin level for ducklings ?
  19. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    They are so cute , they way you got two of them in mid-quack and one with it's head sideways , they seem to be saying indignantly , "What?No treats?!"
  20. Lizzy456

    The Duck Thread

    You weren't rude , don't worry , I just didn't know about the splash variation in Swedishes , so with the feet and bill description I thought they sounded like Anconas. Those ducklings are so beautiful! The first ones feet remind me of spokes on a wheel :D
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