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  1. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    Am From what I have read here, it is up to the individual duck. I would have access to a clean incubator and have a brooder ready to set up, just in case.  She may do well, or not, but if this is her first time, only way of knowing is to see how it goes, and be ready to step in. Amiga...
  2. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    Does anyone know if white chiltern ducks make good mothers. My 1 year old has decided to try and hatch some eggs. She has been sat for 9 days now and I am hoping that she knows what she is doing as I do not have a clue. She is eating and drinking every day and I have candled the eggs but am...
  3. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    Thanks for this. Will look at the thread.
  4. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    Amiga, thanks for the advice. I have been feeding the ducks peas twice a day and for the last few days a couple of them have been willing to take food from my hand. They still run a mile if I stand up but they have calmed down a bit.... I am also more convinced that I only have one female due...
  5. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    I got up early this morning to let out the chickens and my ducks. I was working late the previous day and so the other half had to put them away. I have 5 chickens and 6 ducks. They live next door to each other in old converted dog pens.... The type gamekeepers use for their working dogs...
  6. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    Thanks cluckcluck... Me too...
  7. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    Did you mean that you inbreed your chickens? If so that's interesting as I have 5'chickens as well, hybrids for the eggs, but am looking to get a breeding trio soon. I also have 4 turkeys arriving in July...(hopefully)!! As for the eggs from the chilterns, the Internet seems to think that they...
  8. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    I am glad that you don't think the chilterns are pekins. I was worried that I had been duped as not much info on them.... Do you know when the KCs heads will turn green if they are male? Or will the Tell-tail sign on their tail show first.... Also, do ducks partake in incest and is that...
  9. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    I hope that you are right.... Lol. If not I will post a picture of them flying off into the I wanted runner ducks but the only place that I could find near me that sold them weren't very helpful. So I bought KCs and the chilterns... Which look very much like pekings!!! I had...
  10. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    They go through a phase of being very frightened of anyone taller than they are, which is most of us ;) During this time, sit near them (3.5 metres perhaps), roll peas toward them, sing, talk, just hang out.  Stay low.  Take a nap next to the brooder.  It takes several weeks, but they most...
  11. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    Yep.... They are very big.... The 6 go through a 20kg bag of feed every 15 days..... With little food being lost on the floor... They also free range all day every day and the slugs etc have really gone down in the garden.... Which Now looks like a duck pluckers factory as they are shedding...
  12. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    Thanks for this... I have listened and listened to the ducks and watched the vids on YouTube and I still can't make my mind up.... As these are the first ducks I have ever had...I want to be sure before I have to trim down the flock of males.... They are also not very friendly as most of the...
  13. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    They are just 8 1/2 weeks old. I think that they are too young to have the curly feather. Not sure though as these are my first ducks. They are noisy little beggars though.... Not much quacking just squeaking really.....
  14. graham B

    The Duck Thread

  15. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    How can you tell just from a picture... I have been looking, listening and yet I still don't have a clue.... I had the whites down as males and 2 out of 3 KC's as males... Lol...
  16. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    I think white chilterns are an Irish duck as they appear to be mentioned more on Irish websites.... I found this on a website Chiltern Whites are a modern hybrid and certainly one of the best for laying as well as producing a useful meat carcass. There is a picture of one descendant of a...
  17. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    Hi, can anyone tell me how ducks in an established flock would react to newcomers? I have 3 khaki Campbell's and 3 white chilterns who have all lived together since they hatched. I think most are males but am not sure. I want to get more females and thin out a few males but am not sure how ducks...
  18. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    Week 12? That long..... Ok.... Thanks... I would have stopped it in a few days....
  19. graham B

    The Duck Thread

  20. graham B

    The Duck Thread

    Miss Lydia, Thanks for the advice. Today was the first day that I haven't seen the duckling shake. I took your advice and he was eating brewers yeast. So thanks very much..... Hopefully he is on the road to recovery...
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