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  1. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    sounds like fun--my ducks are stuck up and wont eat people food. sounds like you really need to get more female ducks. I would suggest rouen since that is my experience. they are good size. I have pekin, rouen, khaki and runners in my crew. I actually feed my chickens and ducks the same...
  2. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    here are some thoughts, however I live in new York. that is 2 different sized ducks by quite a bit, if you want the mallard look, go rouen, they are the size of a pekin but look like mallard. if you want them to produce off spring, don't go female pekin, they don't sit well on their eggs. if...
  3. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    I agree, way too many males in that bunch, eat a couple of them-or give them to someone who will eat them. then let nature takes its course in spring with a pair. she will automatically nest and try to hatch.
  4. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

  5. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

  6. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    get jumbo egg cartons for your jumbo eggs. they work great. you can usually find them at any farm and feed store.
  7. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    thanks!!! I have always loved the mixes I have gotten. it is always a surprise in what the genetics will do especially if there are any recessed genes. I had a good sized crew 3 years ago that I kept getting crested ducks from. the mother was mallard and the father was a mix? he was tan...
  8. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    ok here goes duck keeper for 7 years chicken keeper for 2 years mine have the same coop ---but they have separate areas for sleeping. the area is sectioned off with hardware cloth. now my coop is 18 feet long and about 7 feet wide having submitted this pic before, everyone prob recognizes...
  9. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    unless your in snow country in ca it shouldn't be too cold, --they are like chickens, they want a box with bedding and privacy, throw some golf balls in there so they get the idea--mine started somewhere between 6 and 8 months because they laid all winter.(brain foggy) don't give up!!! make...
  10. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    they don't make any noise, and the only way is to keep them in a fenced area for a couple of days and see what happens. mine lay in their coop in the morning, but I will find the occasional egg on the lawn and sometimes in the pond.
  11. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    yes, they are great at that
  12. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    you should be getting eggs. she needs a spot to lay them in(in her coop) and be fed a good layer feed. make a small box and put some bedding in there with a couple of golf balls. she should get the idea
  13. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    yup together free ranging --they will do what they want
  14. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    I agree with everyone. I have ducks and chickens--they all free range and I have the appropriate amount of females to males for the ducks. during the summer when they go in their coop at night I let them socialize together--but not in the winter when they are coop'd up more--the ducks have a...
  15. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    they can't hold their poop, you will have to diaper ducky. a young friend would be good for ducky and put them in doggy house right next to your house for them to share and then they are close to you also.
  16. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    everything everyone else has said plus ducky needs to be warm and prob can't be out in a coup till he gets feathers and can keep himself warm.(4 weeks or more)
  17. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    too bad your not closer, I would give her to you for one of your rouens, she would match them in size and is only 6 months old.--im trying to whittle my crew down by 3 ducks.(we don't eat them, its just apart of the bigger prepper plan at this time)
  18. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    3 to 5 females per however you will still get the bullying due to pecking order. I have a male rouen, male runner, male pekin and a 2 month old male whose parents I cant figure out yet till he gets his adult feathering at closer to 4 and 5 months. the youngster will be at the end of the line...
  19. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    I have seen killdeer birds do that here in ny, its pretty funny, they draw your attention away from their babies, --also, I have a white mallard who will quack and flap wings and run around like a crazy animal to draw your attention away from her babies (even tho we raised her from a baby)...
  20. houseofknauss

    The Duck Thread

    duck eggs don't look like chicken eggs, they feel more waxy and are not as clean as chicken eggs. I have found that if I don't feed a layer pellet mix to the ducks they don't lay as much and will completely cut out during the winter. this past winter I had my ducks in the coop with the...
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