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  1. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    He has made an external pip!
  2. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    I have an internal pip for my duck!! He's on day 25!!
  3. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    I have 6 ducklings at about 5 weeks old, and i have one hatching on Wednesday withe 11 chicken eggs, lockdown starts tomorrow, my question is at what age, can i introduce him to the other ducklings, asuming he hatches, i hope he does baby of the only two ducks i had ever hatched last year for...
  4. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    I've only had mine 2 weeks and they have tripled in size!!
  5. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    Here is a link to my ducklings eating peas :D
  6. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    I think ducklings are a lot cutter thank chicks, but I'm looking forward to having a few silkies, I think they're really cool, and I would like them for hatching eggs :)
  7. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    Ok thanks :) only 10 days until my first hatch:D and then on the 30th, my 5 geese eggs at hatching, and they on the 2nd of May, I'm going to get some silkie chicks, I think they will be about 2 weeks old the guy has white and black, I'm hoping for a mix, and I would like a white and a black...
  8. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    Ok thanks :) i decided to put them out, mine are also in an enclosed coop, with food and water, which i will probably keep them in, apart from letting them out during the day for a while with my supervision, and it is about the 40's here to, its begining to get warmer, but still a couple of...
  9. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    In just wondering what age can u put ducklings outside without a heat lamp, they are 4 and a half weeks old, and I know u have to wait till they're fully feathered, but do u know how long that will take, they're already loosing their yellow fuzz, and they are nearly all white now :) thanks
  10. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    I just candelled the eggs, chickens: I saw 9 moving, and 1 I wasn't sure about, and I thought 11 were infertile, but I cracked them open, and 2 were still alive, I saw their hearts moving, it was very sad, I didn't think they were alive :'( Duck: he is moving quite a bit :) Geese: 5 are...
  11. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    Same ducklings are so much more fun :D
  12. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    Here is a link to the ducklings first swim :D
  13. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    Ok :) thanks
  14. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    What age would u take them of the heat lamp, and what age can u put them outside?
  15. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    It's hard to tell, they can be like this for a while, and then the can all of a sudden become really scared of u, so it's hard to tell
  16. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    I can't really remember, but I don't think u can tell at 3 weeks, I think u have to wait till they're about 3-4 months old
  17. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    Here they are, 4 chiltern whites, one mallard and one Rouen I think, I'm not sure. They were swimming in the paddling pool, they were 2 weeks old, not day olds.
  18. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    Ok thank you :):)
  19. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    Has anybody heard of white chiltern ducks, because I'm getting 5 ducklings tomorrow and i don't know what they look like, other than being white lol!
  20. randerson846

    The Duck Thread

    Ok so I have found a person, who i can buy 10 ducklings, of they White chilterns, has anybody ever had these, and he also had 8 geese eggs, which I'm going to buy of him, and he said he would throw in some ducks eggs aswell for me, but here is the problem, I have the 5 duck eggs in on day 5, I'm...
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