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  1. kimslack

    Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long "Short Story Contest!"

    My copy of WORD says this is 749 words exactly!! Hope you all enjoy it. Kim Little Chick Wakes Up A hen sat looking out at the frost covered pasture from her nest inside the barn. She had been sitting patiently on four little brown eggs for many days. She fluffed herself...
  2. kimslack

    Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long "Short Story Contest!"

    Oh that was so sad. We all get so attached to those little feathered animals. I loved your story about watching in anticipation. I don't have an incubator...I use broodys and they usually are pretty protective so I seldom see the chicks when they are born.
  3. kimslack

    Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long "Short Story Contest!"

    Count me in.. I'll begin working on one today. Be back soon. Kim (and the chicks)
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