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  1. pipAchick


    Went into lock down last night(saturday). A Dominique chick had started in an egg. NO clue what caused it's egg to explode.? Err makes me SO frustrated! Quickly cleaned it up&didn't disturb other eggs that should hatch Monday.
  2. pipAchick


    I don't have much experience with Wyandotte or welsummers. Sorry I'm not much help.
  3. pipAchick


    Hubby makes these in two sizes. Food lasts at least 5/6days for 5birds.(factor in 3handfed-fulls of grass a day). Highly functional!(in not a false tale teller Espically when it comes to birds!)
  4. pipAchick


    @Reb if a black americauna heritage/white sole shows up (1Rooster) I'm looking to give a special one of those a very happy forever home. I need to build a little bungalo first lol. Still working on old school laced polish high rise. Lol Hubbys already going ugh ANOTHER chicken...
  5. pipAchick


    Hopefully you wrote down instructions for them to go back on. Might seem easy to us but if no experience,it can be hard for a newbie. Hopefully with this time of year they mainly remember lots of water checks! @room Who can't wait to go see the "secret life of pets"!?
  6. pipAchick


    @REb What three pullets are you hoping you wind up with? Breed specific&egg color laided please. And are you wanting them to eat or for eggs or to hatch chicks? Sorry I get right down to the nitty gritty I lived near Norfolk we both no there's no time for
  7. pipAchick


    I think if you ALREADY HAVE chickens/ducks at home it does not apply. I think that "rule" is more to prevent minors or some fru-fru from purchasing A single bird&trying to let it run around as some kind of novelty gift&such.. Plus money's always a strong motivater. Most people don't want to...
  8. pipAchick


    Wish octo-mom&her docter had your responsible mindset. (Bet nobody wants to go thru that again,seen what twins do and yikes that poor octo needs a lot of prayers) There's a few swaps comming up. Do you favor a certain feather look or do you just want a pretty egg picture to post (not again)
  9. pipAchick


    Yeah everyone's in&out for labor then they bolt. probably all the chickens in that area are on one farm.
  10. pipAchick


    Cool,ty for sharing
  11. pipAchick


    I'm in Va
  12. pipAchick


    Hello Connie. Happy day
  13. pipAchick


    Scared to ask,but did something happen that made you think they where so fierce? If its sad to talk about dont,just wanted you to know i'd love to hear if you want to share.
  14. pipAchick


    A chick? Unless its a double yolker then might have twins.
  15. pipAchick


    Oh man thats crummy. Sorry MM. I am blessed with very vigilant dogs so if something enters our yard they are pretty vocal&protective. Labs are super cool like that(if they arent the fat&lazy-spoiled sorts lol,nothing against any lab just some owners are too generous with the food bowl&scraps...
  16. pipAchick


    Have a friend here in VA thats been trying to hatch these all spring. Heart goes out to her because shes a very responsible chicken parent and still no luck. Even with the coolest equipment. Even if eggs come they just arent taking well. She has spent a great deal and still no chicks. Hope you...
  17. pipAchick


    Whoa the breed learning center is so cool...anyone have hamburg's(hope im spelling it right) in or near Va? Leaning more towards the silver because i can safely coop them with overhead protection.
  18. pipAchick


    the chicks legs will turn slate around 6weeks IF you have REAL GLL'S.
  19. pipAchick


    Standard 2year old Golden Lakenvelder Roosters&Hens (this is an actual breeding pen kids) I have no secrets. Learn from the honest&dedicated.
  20. pipAchick


    I have golden laken velder eggs for hatching.(small white shells) very pretty birds. Hearty&have laided every day since beginning. If anyone wants to come get them. I don't ship eggs (i know they are fertile& won't risk it). You can sit around for the next 3weeks hoping OR pipAchick for real...
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