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  1. pysankigirl


    one of my roosters has no tail at all. Molting sure looks funny sometimes
  2. pysankigirl


    I just got back froma week at egg decorating camp and have my Mojo back. and while there I developed an addiction for goose eggs. SO much more room to design on and stronger than chicken eggs. good news is: I have some geese. Bad news is, they probably won't start laying for a while because...
  3. pysankigirl


    I am hoping to get rid of most of my boys soon...but I wish they were more aggressive or something. They are all so NICE. makes me sad to "let them go." (euphemism...big time) I have 60 chickens and half are it just isn't tenable to keep them. Aand I am only getting one egg a...
  4. pysankigirl


    welcome to the VA group, then! can you tell us a little about yourself? I take it you have bees? I would love to have a hive but don't know anything about them. I've looked at plans of hives online and I think I could make one.
  5. pysankigirl


    I just looked up what our rainfall was for this year and we were several inches above normal for the last couple of months here. I also found it interesting that our average yearly rainfall is 6 inches more per year than Seattle. no wonder it is always so humid!
  6. pysankigirl


    Really? I in west-ish central VA and it's been so wet here we are growing mushrooms. So strange that there is such a difference in such a small area.
  7. pysankigirl


    I am being overwhelmed with broodies. Everyone wants to sit on eggs (golf balls, really.) I guess I need to get rid of all the golf balls...but then they will start laying all over the place (okay, better that than not laying at all and just sitting there, I suppose.) I thought my one girl...
  8. pysankigirl


    OOOHHH! look at all that lovely plywood!
  9. pysankigirl


    I would have to second the Premier1 fencing. that stuff is so great for an easilly set up virtually impenetrable fencing (if you have it electrified...LOL I also recommend a lightning arrestor) My dogs are 160lbs and they wont go near shock is all it took. it is about $1 a linear...
  10. pysankigirl


    good job!!! I had to do the same thing. if I hadn't, I would have lost them all.
  11. pysankigirl


    Lovettesville. Isn't that really just Maryland?
  12. pysankigirl


    Is there any interest in a couple of hatchery quality female American Buff geese in the Charlottesville area? They backordered them when I ordered my ducks earlier this spring. And now they have them but they want to send a minimum of 4 and I only want 2. $20 each
  13. pysankigirl


    I heard there was a 3.2 earthquake over there.
  14. pysankigirl


    Yeah...that was ALOT of rain. My wonderful husband and a friend had to use jacks and levers and pulleys and sliding ramps but they put the pedestrian bridge back onto it's foundations (Yay!!!)
  15. pysankigirl


    WOW. So much rain. is everyone out there okay? We live next to a river and I have never seen it SO high. (but we are up on a cliff so we are NOT WORRIED) but the little pedestrian bridge down there got shifted off of it's foundations. sigh. don't know how we are going to fix it. but one of...
  16. pysankigirl


    I love the e-net and kids will learn quickly!!! nice little tractor, Cpt...
  17. pysankigirl


    Oh, sorry about the job!!! when I was unemployed a few years ago I discovered "" it tries to take all the jobs out there and put them in one place so it's easier to find everything available. good luck. what is your field? I will keep my ears open, although the commute...
  18. pysankigirl


    oh, well then I don't feel so bad about not going then...your basques are probably what would have tempted me beyond my ability to resist! will you have them in the fall this year, then?
  19. pysankigirl


    I wish I could go but not a good idea. If I came out I know I would come back with something which would get me divorced and then I would have to beg a couch to sleep on from one of y'all. so no Gilmanor for me.
  20. pysankigirl


    Mud, mud everywhere. and still raining. but a least my garden is happy. and we just put down grass seed! (if it isn't washed away) it's days like these that I am glad I don't have feather-footed chickens.
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