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  1. Dutchgirl

    Urgent: rabbit eye bulging, tissue, discharge

    Very sorry for my delay in replying - I was unable to access a computer until just a few days ago. Unfortunately, the doe had died when I went out the next morning. However, thank you all for your help! Do you think I should worry about my other rabbits? I sprayed disinfectant on her cage and...
  2. Dutchgirl

    Urgent: rabbit eye bulging, tissue, discharge

    Does anybody know? Would applying antibiotic ointment help? I know I did this to a duck whose eye was infected but I'm not sure it would work on a rabbit. That's all we have right now.
  3. Dutchgirl

    Urgent: rabbit eye bulging, tissue, discharge

    Don't think it's myxamatosis because I haven't seen other lumps. Was looking at her just on Saturday and everything seemed fine - that is, besides her appetite.
  4. Dutchgirl

    Urgent: rabbit eye bulging, tissue, discharge

    We can go and see if we can get antibiotics at the feed store if needed, but they close in half an hour!
  5. Dutchgirl

    Urgent: rabbit eye bulging, tissue, discharge

    One of my does has had a very small appetite for a while. Just a few minutes ago I checked on the rabbits. Her left eye was bulging out, with what looked like tissue with blood vessels appearing at the lower corner of the eye. There is white discharge along the lower rim of her eye. Her head is...
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