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  1. Nambroth

    PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

    She sure is cute. I'm so glad that she recovered so well, in no small part due to your very diligent and loving care! My barred rocks are also very special birds, full of personality.
  2. Nambroth

    PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

    I too would love to see her beak grow back. And absolutely I'd LOVE to be proven wrong in a few months! I am not a vet, but I have studied avian biology quite a bit and.. well, honestly, I fear that the damage was too high up on the beak for it to grow back. The cell clusters that are...
  3. Nambroth

    PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

    Oh, look at all the new feathers she has grown back in! She is looking great.
  4. Nambroth

    PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

    Fantastic news!! Good for you. I think in time she will go back to 'normal' foods. She is a bit spoiled right now (deservedly so, poor thing) but given your patience with her, I think she will do well!
  5. Nambroth

    PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

    I'm so glad that she is willingly eating again! Perhaps you can start mixing in small quantities of her normal chicken feed into her scrambled eggs-- I bet that'd be a good way to get her back into it. You can gradually increase the amount of feed in the raw egg mix, then cook it as scrambled...
  6. Nambroth

    PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

    Very good information, thank you for sharing your experience!!
  7. Nambroth

    PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

    Her poop doesn't look too bad at all, all things considered! A little loose, but that hopefully means she is staying hydrated! It will take her time to learn to scoop food. Definitely try a deep mound of food for her to work on. She will learn eventually how to manage it. I'm really glad she...
  8. Nambroth

    PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

    I don't think her bottom beak will fall off. But, don't lose heart! People have had hens with badly done beak-clippings learn to eat before. This is where the beak clipping (a permanent process some hatcheries do, especially for factory farmed hens) cuts the top beak much too short and the lower...
  9. Nambroth

    PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

    I had forgotten about this! Yes, it might be worth trying. Even when my rooster was dying and wouldn't eat anything, he would still eat LIVE mealworms. They were too wonderful and juicy for him to pass up. She might be in too much pain to really go after them, but it cannot hurt to try. You can...
  10. Nambroth

    PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

    It is important to note that if you are only feeding her the Kaytee formula for now, and no whole grains/cracked grains, that she will not need grit at this time. Which is probably just as well, as I suspect you may need to tube feed her for a while. :( While it's good that she is getting...
  11. Nambroth

    PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

    tmlpike, you can also use Google to make free phone calls. My friend uses this as she does not have a cellphone. You would need your parent's permission and help to set it up, but it is an option if you'd like to try. Kathy, if you have a smartphone you may be able...
  12. Nambroth

    PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

    I'm so sorry. I do not want to make you feel bad for her, but she is undoubtedly in a lot of pain and anything touching her wounded areas hurts her, which is why she reacts the way she does when she wants to eat. The damage is deep enough that it's actually taken part of her jaw/skull off and as...
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