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  1. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Hi everyone :) Before I disappear again, let me just say that I'm cackling like an old hen past her laying age over your posts. Carry on. :)
  2. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Granny, I bet you are broken hearted over your nieces baby girl. I just want to acknowledge your pain and let you know that I'll pray for you, your niece, and the baby. Wishing is right, sometimes things work out much better for those who are helped by folks other than family. Our best...
  3. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

  4. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Good Morning Granny and Gang :) Just spent an hour drinking coffee and catching up on this thread. You are all so cool!!! Wish that I could join in more but too many things are crowding my brain and it's hard to think straight. I've got waaaaay too many baby chicks! But I love my chickens...
  5. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    You're welcome :) I ordered 1 bielefelder female, 2 cream legbar females, and 3 black copper marans straight run (hope to get at least one female). There are so many kinds I'd love to have but I've gotta pace myself, ya know?
  6. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    The amount of coconut oil for dogs to be given in their food is 1 tablespoon for every 30 pounds of weight mixed right into their food. I've heard great things about it for skin and hair, too. Mostly I use it for baking and cooking, but I've also tried "swishing" it like mouthwash (sounds as...
  7. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Wishing, I've got a golden retriever with spring/summer skin allergies. The vet gives her a shot of steroids when it flares up, and within a couple of days she's fine. However, I've read that adding coconut oil to their daily food will not only help get rid of allergies, but it's great for...
  8. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Granny, it's a brinsea mini advanced, a tiny one that holds 7 eggs max. Supposedly its fully automatic, just have to keep an eye on the water level in the reservoir. I got 3 new English orpington pullets recently and boy are they eye candy! My silky hatched 2 more babies a couple of weeks...
  9. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Hi everyone! Haven't been on here in awhile but I'm happy to see you're all still here, hanging tight like good friends should, and being funny as all get out. :) I've still got chicken fever as bad as ever, and thank goodness... Life would be so boring without chickens. Granny I'm...
  10. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Darn it, granny :( I'm so sad about your chicks dying. I hope your hubby feels better soon, and may this (please!) be the last storm before spring arrives. Sentimental possessions are hard to lose, but they are just things. You are rich in love of family and friends (tho many might be...
  11. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Donuts I can resist (unless they are covered in maple icing), but warm gooey cinnabuns - not so much. Finished the second round of worm meds yesterday, one more to go on Friday. The worst part is withholding food for 24 hours. I've got 31 chickens ordered and have to whittle the list down...
  12. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    To Granny and Gang... Sending you some love
  13. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Hi All Just wanted to chime in and say I'm still lurking. Don't know why I'm so quiet... maybe cause I'm still adjusting to retirement and the changes that are processing in the background of my head/heart are slowing my gabber down. Anyway, love to all of you on this Friday the 13th before...
  14. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Goodnight Moon is a cool song. The moon is beautiful, full and bright tonight. Had company all day but the next couple days should be quiet, so I'll pop in and say hi. :) Sweet dreams everybody.
  15. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Hi watermelon... From one newbie to another, welcome. :)
  16. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Got a problem I'm not sure how to handle. One of my hens (Lovey, a marans and the largest chicken in my flock) doesn't like my rooster mating with other hens. Whenever she catches them in the act, she pecks the head of the hen that's penned down. I am pretty sure Lovey put a hole in the top...
  17. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Lisa, thanks for the welcome back :) Sorry about all of your babies not hatching but it sounds like you've got a lot of them anyway. Is it hard to keep up with all the details of what each age group needs, or is it like second nature? I'm proud of myself for keeping food, clean water, crunched...
  18. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Camping, my youngest lives in Mandeville. LA is a beautiful state and I wouldn't mind living there myself, but tornados and hurricanes are scary. Course we have our earthquakes and droughts here. Is there any perfect place to live, where every backyard has a big beautiful coop, no predictors...
  19. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    Hi all, I'm back :) Hope everyone is feeling good and having a nice day. The sun is shining here so I got out and finished the chicken coop/yard cleaning that I started yesterday. I have a young helper with me this weekend, her parents are good friends. She's 16, a straight A student, and...
  20. Sunset Ranch

    grannys gone and done it

    ...tiptoes out...
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