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  1. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Am I allowed to say- give it to someone? That's the only way I'd know how to "take care" of it! I know nothing about ducks; sorry I'm not more help!
  2. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Sorry to hear you're sick. Tuck yourself in and get rested and well soon. We'll be here.
  3. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    I hope I can write this the right way. I do feel for you. You make me laugh. I find you kind. I see you as someone who faces life, rants, and goes on, and it's admirable. This is your thread and you're "allowed" to think out loud and share your hardships. I'm glad sharing makes something feel...
  4. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Oh, Granny. So sooty for what you're facing. Wish you were a neighbor. I'd do what I could. All I can do here is send hugs.
  5. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Hello again all! Have been away from BYC for a while and it's taken me a week to get caught up on this thread! Granny, I still worry about you taking care of yourself so you can take care of all those chickens! Enola- (which my phone autocorrect unhelpfully changed to Ebola) I hope your...
  6. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Red skies at night, sailor's delight. Red in the morning, sailors take warning. Dad always said red morning meant possibility of weather coming.
  7. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Granny, I used a submersible bucket heater, looked like a thick hockey puck. It rested on the bottom of the bucket and kept the nipples thawed. Unfortunately what happened in my messy chickens dropped water every time they drank and it froze into an icy mound under the bucket. Still haven't...
  8. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    I've scorched some things pretty good in my crockpot too. Best way I've found to clean it when that happens is to fill it up with soapy water and "cook" on low all day. Sorry the roast didn't turn out!
  9. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Granny- as my husband says about horses, "they make 'em ever' day". What he means is that there are plenty out there so wait for the right one at the right time (for you). So sorry to hear how hard the care worker has made it for you. It doesn't sound like you're asking for thing unreasonable...
  10. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Granny- so sorry you're in pain. But sounds like you got a little good news in the tendon! Please talk to your doctor about taking ibuprofen- it interferes with bone healing. I hope something gives you relief- it's hard to rest and heal when you're hurting so.
  11. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Granny- been thinking about you today! I hope all went well and the anesthesia wasn't too bad for you. I saw a home movie a wife made of her husband after his surgery. He kept waking up and going back to sleep. Each time he would wake up he'd ask her who she was and when she said I'm your wife...
  12. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Goodness. Alphabetical order would have been helpful :-) Got to try and build a new coop door today. I was handy enough to build something that keeps the hole for people to walk through but it's wobbly and sticks, especially in winter which is coming soon! Wish me luck.
  13. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Granny- please take care of yourself. You have a lot of people and a few chickens counting on you. Remember the advice they always give on the plane: put your own oxygen mask on before assisting others. Although I suspect you've spent a noble lifetime taking care of others it truly sounds...
  14. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Ha, ha. He might have been trying to increase sales too. You'll have plenty of time to think and plan. I often think the dreaming is the most fun part. It took me 3 or 4 years to decide I wanted chickens and then a year to decide what and how. (And I'm still working on things to make them...
  15. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    When I was at the feed store picking up chicks a man and his daughter asked to by one turkey chick. The feed store hand said a single turkey wouldn't live, they'd have to get a pair. I don't know if he's right, but maybe someone else on here knows. Maybe since you have chickens it would be...
  16. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Casportpony has a post on here. I think it was a peahen. If I can find it I'll post the link.
  17. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    5000 posts since September 2013? You sure don't talk much. ;-) Congrats!
  18. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    Geesh. I'm never going to a swap. I know there are plenty of other ways for a flock to get it, but what a disaster waiting to happen. That's great news you don't need to cull and can use the meds on hand. I know it's not over for you, but at least you have a solid starting point. That's...
  19. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    On one battery about to die, and all I can find on soluble expiration date is that it should be good 18 months after purchase. Will check in tomorrow- good luck!
  20. katbriar

    grannys gone and done it

    The conversations seem to be that injectable when given orally looses some of its effectiveness because some gets broken down in the digestive process.
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