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  1. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    Thanks bunches for all the good wishes! I lied and said I felt better yesterday just to make myself get up and about but paid for it dearly last night. Today however, I do feel just a little bit better so am hoping for the best! I used to take road trips with my Mother and daughter and we...
  2. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    Geez, can't an old gal have a few days of misery without everyone doing the same? Had the "procedure" done on Tuesday. It was NOT what he had done on the lower back which was to cut the nerve. He injected directly into the facet joints on either side of the spine of four vertebrae. OUCH! Was...
  3. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    I have one SLW/Cochin mix that weighs in at around 10 lbs. She is absolutely huge! and she is the same way. It is definitely funny. I have the same thing as you and your DH granny. This is mid back now and it will sometimes take my breath away. I had the low back done a few months ago and...
  4. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    My dad planted a couple of those trees for the same reason but he had guineas. I could always remember the name because I started drinking a pink Catawba wine in college. Not too much turkey (don't like it). I had a couple of bad days and couldn't sit at the computer, DH had surgery on his eye...
  5. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    Oh Granny, that is absolutely beautiful! Your Mom would be happy I'm sure.
  6. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    I'm sure your village will look amazing when you get it all done. Yipee! on the egg with movement. Hope everyone had a nice day yesterday. Ours was very nice. Uneventful which made it wonderful. Wishing4Wings - so sorry about the football game. I was sure pulling for that cute Colin Kaepernik...
  7. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    Happy to hear the good news from the doctor about your foot. I had my hand surgery in mid March and was just about to accept that I would never be able to do the things I used to do BUT just in the past week things have started to turn around. I'm just thrilled. You're just not having good...
  8. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    LOVE the nest-spresso. That's funny. Even I could manage that. Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I've got to get busy ridding my house of dust bunnies since I will have a houseful for Christmas.
  9. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    So sorry about little Unable, Granny. I know you did everything you possibly could. So many great people offering suggestions - and good ones at that. I've never hatched anything - except my kids. LOL Thank goodness I don't have to cook dinner on Thursday; we are going over to my brother's...
  10. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    No, doc said it isn't a big issue since the other 3 are securely in place and it's just a tiny thing anyway. Sounds like your little guy is doing what he can if he want's to be with the others. I think that sounds like a good sign. Just want to say that I hope everyone who has been caught in...
  11. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    I wondered the same thing about the powdered buttermilk, Granny since I have that stuff too. I don't - well WON'T drink it myself but do use it to cook occasionally. In the end, I just bought a small jug since I wasn't sure and dawg had recommended it over yogurt. I know you don't want to have...
  12. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    You're a riot, Granny! But be careful with that foot. The Rooster Booster should be ok if it's been kept at fairly constant temps. I don't think it would be out of date after a year, but what do I know? I've got a screw loose! It is funny. Mix a little food with some yogurt or buttermilk. Dawg...
  13. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    So very sorry to learn of your friend's passing. Prayers sent. Your little serama baby is SO cute. Really? the size of a baby parakeet? Wow! We've had a few of those over the years and they are teensy weeny little things. Maybe a medicine bottle top for food and water since he/she is that...
  14. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    It was 80 here yesterday and raining cats and dogs. I stepped in a poodle. We closed the house and turned on the a/c. Yes, I hear the clucks of sympathy from all of you sweeping and shoveling snow. Woke up to high 40's. First time EVER, my girls won't come out of the coop and some of them are...
  15. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    So happy to hear that your daughter is on the mend! Yes, it does take a while for the intestines to wake up after major surgery like that. I was sitting at the window watching my girls this afternoon and as quick as a snap a HUGE eagle tried to grab one of my girls. Right outside my window...
  16. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    x2 Praying for the best for your daughter, Granny. Hope all is well. Lots of pretty kitty pictures! My little bantam EE is the only one who can get over or under the fence and come up on the deck. She frightens my big old 12 pound cat by pecking at the sliding glass door. He likes to sleep on...
  17. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    So sorry to hear about your friend Granny. You can get to know people pretty well on social media by communicating with no face to face time. I have become vey close to a cousin I've never met in person. Like I said, she's a cousin so we have some things in common - like the same grandparents...
  18. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    Yes on the west coast. LOL West coast of Florida. Tampa Bay area.
  19. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    Me too campingshaws! I'm a couple hundred miles SOUTH of you! Watched the weather this morning and we are going to have lows in mid 40's. Guess I better get busy making blankets for my girls. They really fuss when it gets that cold. After living here for so long, I'm a real wuss when it comes...
  20. mrsc1951

    grannys gone and done it

    Quote: It's sad but true Wishing4Wings. The same thing happens to pictures of me. I seem to be turning into my Mother. Granny, glad you could talk to your daughter even for a minute. That pain medication does a number on some people. Wishing her the best. Ohhh, lots of squawking and running...
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