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  1. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    Yeah, I know how much geese poop! lol We took our summer program to the zoo for an overnight camping adventure once, and all the kids got a first-hand experience with the proliferation of goose poop... With all of the Canada geese roaming around, the paths were just a huge goose poop minefield...
  2. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    Happy holidays, everyone! Chickentown has been a hoppin' place, and I have a lot to report. Broody mama Angel ended up with 21 chicks total, of which she still has 15. She's actually been doing a very good job taking care of them--the casualties have all been beyond her control. There...
  3. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    lol we're up to 16 now, and she's gotten remarkably good at fitting most of them under her! That won't last as they get bigger, but she won't be on her own trying to keep them warm, either. She's been so cooperative, we were even able to set her up on our photo stage and take photos of her...
  4. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    We're up to six chicks under "Angel", the broody d'uccle. She's struggling to fit them all under her at the same time, but she is giving it a noble effort! Fortunately, there's a heat lamp for backup if she can't warm them all--and it's looking like that will be the case, with the number of...
  5. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    Well, I had four babies in the incubator today, but as I was contemplating the best way to take them across town to meet the broody, I had another idea: why not bring the broody to them? Instead of carting the chicks to Chickentown, I went to take care of the flock this morning like I normally...
  6. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    There has been heartache in Chickentown. A bantam d'uccle who had gone broody was only able to hatch a single chick due to the cold, and it sadly passed away. Another chick from Anna's brood promptly adopted the d'uccle, but it also died due to circumstances beyond anyone's control. I found...
  7. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    Thanks very much! No more casualties since I moved the babes inside, though my broody hen Anna did lose two of her chicks at some point. I've got her set up in her own private suite now so she's able to keep a closer eye on her brood. Meanwhile, it has snowed in Chickentown. The inhabitants...
  8. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    As is the case in most of the country, winter arrived abruptly and with a vengeance. The change was too abrupt for my 5-week-old chicks, and I lost three of them to the cold before deciding I had no choice but to move them back indoors. I've made a makeshift brooder, and will have to keep a...
  9. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    Wow, time gets away from me. So here's the latest news from Chickentown: We have three broodies at the moment. Anna hatched out 7 beautiful bantam mutts, 5 of which are actually her own eggs! This is her fourth brood, but the first time she's had any of her own chicks to raise. Despite the...
  10. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    Heehee... Maybe it will end up being like my husband who bought me an incubator for my birthday, and gets me chickens instead of jewelry when he wants to butter me up for something. XD
  11. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    October 26, 2014 The chicken-catching gods were on my side today--I managed to scoop up both my black Ameraucana hen and her mutt look-alike--at the same time, no less! I have been trying to catch them for a while so that I could put them in with the Ameraucanas, but they have been too wily...
  12. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    Soon, very soon. I'm cleaning the house right now. XD
  13. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    We're up to 5 chicks. 2 bantams, 3 EE's. The first chick that hatched is possibly the fattest, fluffiest chick I've ever seen. It has trouble staying on its feet because it is so heavy that if it loses its balance, it ends up on its back. I am calling it Roly Poly for now.
  14. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    The first egg has hatched! It's an EE mix from the eggs Dad found on the garage floor.
  15. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    I went on a photo-taking spree today, and got current photos of most of my birds, including the handsome Mr. Gru. I had to move Zip out of the Amerauacana/BCM run because he kept attacking Gru, and Gru was too sweet-natured to fight back. Zip is chillin' in the Junior run until I have a setup...
  16. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    I gave the quarantined chickens their second application of the Ivermectin. Thorough inspection revealed no lice on any of the birds, even though some have obviously been badly infested based on the proliferation of nits on their feather shafts. At last, Zip will be able to meet Pip, and I...
  17. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    My husband and I wrangled the worst-infested chickens Sunday night to check on their condition (next treatment is on Wednesday), and we found zero lice. None, nada, zilch! Not even any signs that they'd been chewed on by the little beasts! Considering how bad the infestation was when we...
  18. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    October 18, 2014 Hello, have you missed me? It's been busy here in Chickentown! Here's some updates: The population of Chickentown is now 196--I think. My brown leghorns and a handful of other chickens have gone feral, roosting in the trees at night instead of in the coops, and it's...
  19. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    July 11th, 2014 The chicks that hatched in late June/early July are all doing very well! Although my husband has taken a lot of photos of them, he's yet to share them with me, so I haven't been able to post them yet. The only photo I've managed to snag from him so far is this one, which he...
  20. PrairieChickens

    Tales From Chickentown

    Thank you very much!
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