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  1. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    TheRookie - I wish I did but, no - I've got two little toddlers that keep me close to home! DoubleA - Thanks! Just got back to ya! Now I know someone out there needs a boy or two!
  2. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Hi NC peeps! Hope you're all well. It has been ages since I've been on! Wanted to see if anyone is interested in a handsome Blue Laced Red Wyandotte boy! I hatched him from greeneacre's eggs for a broody and then he and a couple others went to a new chicken owner who can't keep boys. He's...
  3. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Hi there everyone!!! I know I disappered from existence but it's good to see so many familiar names on the last few pages. It'll take me forever to catch up and see what you've all been up to!!! I've been busy busy chasing around my two little guys who are now 18 months and almost 3. We...
  4. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been a busy girl and won't even attempt catching up right now (y'all have been busy!!!) but wanted to pop in to say I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are doing well!!!! I'm busy preparing for a spontaneous trip AWAY from my family. I love them...
  5. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    A belated Merry Christmas to you all!!!!!!!!!!! Busy busy with the holiday and then ended it getting terribly sick. No fun at all. But the kids are loving life and we had a wonderful time! Looking forward to more family in town this weekend! DoubleA - So, so sorry for your ordeal!!! How...
  6. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    doublea - I've got my kids so that's all I can share! Freaking out over a dinosaur - Too cute - Baby giggles - They're not from today - today has been full of icky poo and grumps, but I hope they'll do the trick! Hope things are looking up!!! Sounds like all of us chicken folk have...
  7. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It's cold!!!! Which is why I caved and have been bringing the little Silkies in at night! NH - Glad at least things aren't getting worse! Hang in there and take it easy! Hope all the hatching goes well everyone! And Bhep - You've been talking about shutting that thing...
  8. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Quote: Hmmmm. I wonder if I need to switch up the little ladder to make it easier for them. On another note, Esme has been laying again for a couple of weeks but today I found her beautiful dark brown egg in a nest box full of her underfluff!!!!!!!!!! There is just NO WAY she's trying to...
  9. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Sniff sniff. I guess my little chickies are growing up. Esme the broody left them all alone on the floor last night to go up on the roost! They looked so cold and pitiful I hated it! But they were fine this morning! So I guess I for one am happy for the warmer weather we're having for their...
  10. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    I'm with you, Vfem - haven't been around much. NH - I should be at the pick-up tomorrow so I'll keep an eye out for ya! We'll be coming straight from the doctor getting my littlest a vaccination so no telling what kind of mood he'll be in - I'll probably be in and out pretty quick! But...
  11. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Quote: Yay for chickies! Can't wait for pics!!!
  12. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    8 EGGS!!!!!!!!!! That's all my girls except for Sophie-Anne the Ameraucana!!! Also managed to get my neglected coop cleaned out from top to bottom today. The chickens were so happy they switched up their roosting positions tonight! Kinda caught me off guard when I went in there tonight...
  13. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Yay! I don't mind if they're a little funny looking, I was just worried it could mean there was something wrong like a vitamin deficiency or something! Good good good. Great job vfem! Have you added the kickstarter to your signature line??? Good luck on the hatch G&A!!! Good night!!!
  14. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Here's a pic of the ugly eggs! *The first two look pretty normal, but yesterday's and today's are pitiful. Today's much more so in person* They've been fine inside except one a couple days ago had a bit of blood in it. Not like the dark dried spot kinda deal but like a bright liquidy bit of...
  15. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Hi all! Haven't been around much but I've been trying to keep up with you all! Just busy, extra sleep deprived and my hubby has been out of town. But hope you're all doing well! Wild - prayers coming your way big time! Chicken question - my Welsummer, Willow has always layed a pretty...
  16. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Quote: Yay!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you!!!
  17. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Quote: Ask her if she would be interested in a cute little smooth haired Jack Russel! My grandparents got her 3 years ago but then my grandmother had a stroke, had to move to a nursing home, and has since passed. My grandfather loves and adores her but after getting tangled up with her...
  18. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as I did! Lots of fun family time! NH - I hope your girl is doing better tomorrow! I'm not looking forward to my first chicken illness and hope it'll be one day far far away! Aside from my one little shoe I made for a chick and my one...
  19. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!! We went up to DC to celebrate with my sis and then hosted a 2nd Thanksgiving at our house tonight. Tons of fun and excited for more family time tomorrow! AND, I tried NH's dinner roll recipe and YUMMY! It is a keeper for sure!!!!!!! Big hugs to you...
  20. suburbanchickymama

    North Carolina

    Ruthann - So sorry. I really hope that you don't have to stay off your feet the whole pregnancy! Not easy to do with a little one. I'm really sorry! But do as they say! Every time I cheated and said "oh well, going out to eat is practically the same thing as eating at home..." or something...
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