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  1. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    It all depends on what you are looking for and your budget. There are places with land but they aren't cheap. We are north of town, up Hwy 87, about 30 minutes from the gate and have 10 acres. The drive to post ususally isn't too bad, the drive home is pretty congested. If you want to PM me...
  2. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Good morning everyone. Once again it has been months since I have said hello. It is good to "see" you all again.
  3. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Thanks RF! I thought he should be fine but wanted to check with others. Absolutely! There are reasons every day to treat people well, smile and be happy... it shouldn't be seasonal. Happy Friday everyone!
  4. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Hollow, if you find someone with Blue Wheaten am's let me know. I have been thinking about going that route. I can't imagine not having blue egg layers. I have a few EE hens from two years ago and some from last year along with my two year old Lavendar Am roo who is two. At what age do roos...
  5. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Hi CSB! It is great to be back talking with old friends! My chickens are in a constant state of change, different breeds, different ages, numbers, etc. Right now, I have decided that many of the fancy birds aren't for me. There are just too many problems with many of them. I am going to...
  6. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Star, glad to hear you are doing well! My legbars were bought as chicks with a hope that they would be breeding stock. One looks like a legbar, the other like a rhodebar... the roosters were definately not breeding stock so they went off to freezer camp. I do like the rhodebars as they can...
  7. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    I give up, what's a Jolly Ball? I would love to see Levi playing with a ball.. maybe not in the living room though! Thanks Star! I was just thinking about you the other day. I hope all is well. Currently I have Rhodebars, Easter Eggers and Buff Orpingtons (some English!) that will be my...
  8. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Good Morning! I have been away way too long! When I logged on, I noticed I haven't been on here for about 18 months .... where does the time go???? Hollow, thanks for mentioning me the other day, I feel that even though I was gone, I was not forgotten. I can't say there is any good...
  9. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Good Morning Everyone! What a rainy icky morning, I was thinking that a boat might be better transportation to work. It looks like the skies might be clearing and at least the rain knocked down some of the pollen. YAY! Where, oh where is CSB? I am hoping her absence is just because...
  10. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Yeah, I have been really busy. I try to get on here about once a week or so and usually just end up stalking. This weekend we chased a hognose snake from the garden and a young king snake from the flowerbeds. That tells me that snakes are out in full force. This is the time of year that...
  11. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    People who know me have learned all they have to do is say chicken, egg or anything remotely related and I pull out pictures or start with stories.
  12. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Yay!!! Glad to hear these all sold. Now you will just have to make more! Had a great day, got some work done in the garden/yard and LOTS of vitamin D... Maybe just a little bit of a sunburn to go with the vitamin D.
  13. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Good morning everyone! Hope you have a great day.
  14. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Hi everyone! CSB - My husband has some pond experience. Along with staying away from deciduous trees, try to put it in a shady spot. If you put it in the sun, you will have algae issues. If they are set up in a good place, they can be pretty low maintenance. How were the flock swaps? I...
  15. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    @FVRM CSB is right, Carolina Town and Country in Sanford usually has large bags of DE. I believe they are 40 or 50 lb bags. I don't believe they are very expensive. You probably want to call first to check price and if it is in stock - or you can go for the trip and fun of visiting the store...
  16. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Hi Everyone, I have been absent again. It has been a busy spring. I have been working overtime at work and then come home to chicken duty and many, many chicks. I hatched a bunch about 6 weeks ago, sold some of them and hatched more two weeks after that and again last weekend. I am guessing...
  17. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Hi Everyone! I can't believe it has been two weeks and over 400 messages since I have been on here. Things have been incredibly busy at work, I have been working extra hours to help out another department. The money is good but I would rather be home. I have been hatching chicks and...
  18. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Brooster, I had a greenhouse and didn't replace the plastic when it started decomposing. (The frame is probably going to become a chicken pen.) I found that it wouldn't hold enough heat during the night and things would freeze inside of it. I am thinking of trying small hoop houses over the...
  19. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    Hi everybody, I hope that those of you with kids are hanging in there. Good luck DB! BHep, hope you and the kids are feeling better soon. Welcome to BYC new folks! RF, My DH and I went on a track identification walk too. We saw squirrel, deer and something that looked like fox. It was...
  20. tammyfarms

    North Carolina

    LOL! I love the graphic.
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