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  1. ptig78d

    Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

    Today, they were on day 10. There were a few with dark yolks, and some that just looked clear. None of them had developed the blastocyte (dot with veins spidering outwards). I now have 12 turkey eggs in the incubator, 5 Bronze and 7 Red Bourbon.
  2. ptig78d

    Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

    Well, as much as pains me to say this, I'm calling it. None of my eggs have developed. They have all lost a little bit of weight, but upon candling, there is no development. I'm not sure if I messed up somewhere, or if it was how they were stored before I got them...who knows. I'm not...
  3. ptig78d

    Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

    Question for those experienced individuals: Am I supposed to do the daily cooling and misting from day 1 (24 hrs after setting), or wait until first candling at 7 days? I weighed the eggs tiday and all have lost weight, somw more than others.
  4. ptig78d

    Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

    Thank you for the advice, psue! I feel more relieved that I'm doing this right. Do you still do the daily 15 min cool down and mist as has been previously discussed in Pete's thread?
  5. ptig78d

    Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long I have previously stated, I read the sticky thread that Pete did on incubating goose eggs. I, like many before me, have a few questions. First off, the breed of these eggs are thought to be Dewlap African. I am confused about the humidity and temperature levels for incubating in the...
  6. ptig78d

    Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

    Good Monday morning to you all! I have an LG 9300 incubator that I rigged with an old computer fan over the heating element to convert it to forced air. I have read Pete's completed guide to incubating geese, and will be referring to his OP regularly throughout the process. There are...
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