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  1. S

    BYC Café

    So any accidental drips fall on the old tub.
  2. S

    BYC Café

    The first coat of primer is on the bathroom ceiling. The plan is two coats of primer, two coats of paint. Which we haven't bought yet. I asked hubby when we would do the actual rip out and replace of the shower, and he said after the ceiling is painted. I told him it has to be done before he...
  3. S

    BYC Café

    Mites are/have been such a PITA this year!
  4. S

    BYC Café

    How many stroke penalty for an alligator getting your ball?
  5. S

    BYC Café

    Lunch was home grown fried rice. (I didn't grow the rice.) Eggs, chard, onions, garlic, and tomato. And I didn't grow the olives for the oil, or the salt. :gig
  6. S

    BYC Café

    My neighbor who had a heart attack last December passed out last night in her kitchen. She's back in the hospital, for an undetermined stay. I asked what I could do to help, and she texted me, "Got a new heart or a million dollars?" Her attitude is amazing. She's come to terms with her...
  7. S

    BYC Café

    I think the animals -- and the plants too -- know something about the upcoming winter. The oak trees are going nuts (haha) dropping acorns this year. It sounds like a rock when they drop on our metal roof.
  8. S

    BYC Café

    Lark, one of my 4 y/o Australorps was sitting in the nestbox. She's my lounger, often taking a couple hours to lay. Later there was an egg that might have been hers. This year is very strange. The four year olds molted early, especially Little, who is back to laying. Now Lark might be back to...
  9. S

    BYC Café

    Freya does similarly.
  10. S

    BYC Café

    Same here! Little stopped laying in June, and had a slow molt. She's now laying again. I can be sure they're her eggs, as no one else in my flock lays eggs that are, ahem, 44-49 grams! I should not have named her Little! I have two "just turned hens" (in May) and a 3 year old still laying. And...
  11. S

    BYC Café

    I'm glad Bella is doing well! :love
  12. S

    BYC Café

    How's Bella doing?
  13. S

    BYC Café

    Safe travels @sourland!
  14. S

    BYC Café

    Let's see... what else... The garage of the house next door (2 car garage) is too short front-to-back for even a compact car. Maybe a Smart-for-2 car would fit. This is the only house I've ever lived in that had a basement that did NOT have a floor drain. Eventually, something will leak, or the...
  15. S

    BYC Café

    Yup! I said the builder was an idiot! :lau This is the guy who cut the drain hole for a toilet in the neighbor's house too close to the wall. What would any reasonable person do, once they were done swearing? Nope. He mounted the toilet, and recessed the tank into the wall. An exterior...
  16. S

    BYC Café

    We got the shower pieces home. Hubby built a flatbed conversion for our trailer for <$60. Whew. @DobieLover, Menards didn't have either Sharkbite or Appolo Pex fittings. They had some other brand, Sioux Chief. So if we do Pex, we have to find the fittings somewhere else. Someone who travels...
  17. S

    BYC Café

    I hope you and Bella feel better today!
  18. S

    BYC Café

    I baked bread yesterday, since the house was chilly. And made roasted potatoes, since the house was still chilly. Today we will pick up the shower from Menards. We're going thither and yon today, and that's one of the thitherest stops.
  19. S

    BYC Café

    Thank you!
  20. S

    BYC Café

    This is for the shower. It will be in a wall, but hubby is making the wall removable for any needed access. A friend is trying to talk him out of Pex, saying he's read of lots of failures. (That's all I know; failure of what, I'm not sure.) Copper is what's there right now. Hubby is thinking he...
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