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  1. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    I will tomorrow it's been a hectic week. And, I'm retired! :thumbsup :lau
  2. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    "I " is out :hit
  3. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    Good morning friends, looks like this hatch maybe a dud. I went to candle "I" and dropped it on the floor. :barniebut there was nothing but a nice yellow yoke ! These eggs were the last 7 days that Thelma and Louise laid after Echo went home. So, this is day 19 and I'm going to be hopeful ☺️
  4. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    Good morning and H -P are now on LOCKDOWN! No Quitters allowed! Let go baby Marans!!
  5. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    Ok thanks I will pass it on I did posted BYC on the BYC Facebook lol
  6. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    Hey friends I have a questions? How do I invite people to join BYC. When I tell my friends they go BYC Facebook. :idunno
  7. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    Yes, I'm in Florida where we have 2 season summer and summer ☀️ :mad::lau
  8. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    look at us now ! We are on the back porch getting fresh air!
  9. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    I would think so also, but I don't know anything about ducks. Maybe she was told it's a great place to lay your eggs :celebrate
  10. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    I'm sorry I knew that! Lol 😆 no she was by her self checking out the tree. Then flew off
  11. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    Who know about Mallard ducks ? Mama has return to the tree. Do they lay another clutch that soon? She a Muscovy not a mallard ! Thank you Fluffycrow for catching that
  12. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    Good morning we are doing fine! Watching for the rest of our family to hatch. :lau :celebrate
  13. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    Aww, thank you 😊
  14. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    Hi I'm Hannah ☺️
  15. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    I love brahmas they are so loving ❤️
  16. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    Brahmas in training. She feel asleep in my hand :love
  17. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    Let's all welcome H - Hannah @GreenJay ! New babies on the way !
  18. Antiocheggers

    Hatching Black French Marans

    Mary, Debra, Leah, Rebecca, Abigail,
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