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  1. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    I think so. Put a thick layer of garden lime (watch the labels on the bags) down first and that will help absorb some of the yuck. I use the same litter in my run as I do in coop. Makes it easier to manage if you have at least a partial cover so they always have one mostly dry spot to get to.
  2. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    Dirt. That's what's in my coop and run. Yep, plain old dirt, although many people have found ways to successfully use linoleum, Black Jack, etc at the bottom. Then pile on deep layer of leaves, garden trimmings, wood chips, pine needles, or whatever is available. I started out with pine...
  3. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    But you should have an abundance of pine straw, right?
  4. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    It took me forever to learn the difference between "deep litter" and "deep bedding". Fortunately my good friend @Beekissed is a patient teacher!!
  5. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    It also depends on whether you are using vertical or horizontal nipples. Horizontals don't leak like the verticals do. Vertical nipples leak while the chickens are using them. They also leak if they are bumped if a chicken runs into it or hits it with her back.
  6. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    I was hoping you'd chime in here, O Queen of the Castle of Deep Litter! If anyone knows this DL stuff inside out it's you, and your litter is beautiful. Thanks for helping. I'D be interested to see how DL does with sand, too. I really didn't think it would do anything but make a mess, but...
  7. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    Oh, you can make DL work on just about anything - folks use it over concrete, dirt, linoleum..... I'm sure those who do will be more than happy to chime with their experiences! But in the overall scheme of things, dirt seems to be the best substrate. That just doesn't mean it's the only...
  8. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    Some might say to go ahead, but I'm not one of them. Sand will compact and adding DL on top will just end up giving you a soggy mess eventually. DL works it's magic best when it comes into contact with the ground (dirt) under it. Personally, I'm also not a fan of DE in deep litter. Why use a...
  9. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    I use straw mostly for the outside brooder. I brood chicks outdoors in the run using Mama Heating Pad and a cave covered in straw. But I also use it sparingly in the run and coop. You're right - it doesn't break down well, but I am not using it for that. I just use it to help make air spaces...
  10. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    Oh, Bee is so right! I started out with pine shavings that were way too deep and didn't get any kind of effective break down. But I listened to her (my friend and mentor) and cut way back, added a little water from time to time, and mixed stuff in that was bigger in composition - leaves WITH...
  11. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    x3 Not at all a recipe for disaster. They'll dig through the litter, turning it over for you, and gather all the little goodies they find. Nobody has found a way to raise chickens in a totally sterile environment - they'll eat some of the grossest things and dig around in a cow manure...
  12. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    So PapaChaz - not counting today how long have we been friends? <insert evil laugh here>
  13. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    You are my new best friend....and your check is in the mail!
  14. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    Oh, you guys are making me feel SOOOOO much better about going out to do my chores!
  15. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    Why sorry, PapaChaz? I used 1/4 inch hardware cloth so only the real contortionists will be able to sneak past! Even the wind has a hard time squeezing through!
  16. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    Gives me the heebies just thinking about it. I don't know what it is, but I'd rather be fighting large predators than those teeny little mousies. I haven't seen any, nor any signs of any. We even put 1/4 inch HWC up around the lower portion of the coop, secured with large washers and screws...
  17. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    My run has just as much hardware cloth around it as my coop does, so leaving the pop door open between them 24/7 makes no difference. I figure if they can't get into the run it stands to reason that they can't get into the coop from there either! But I sure know what you mean about just...
  18. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    I haven't. But then I hate those little boogers so much that I used 1/4 inch hardware cloth all around my run and coop to keep them out. Mice don't need much of an opening at all to make entry!
  19. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    Ahh, but there's a group of us who got to see this video before it was even on BYC....teehee
  20. Blooie

    Deep litter method

    Now, see, Miss Bee? Your video is extremely helpful, and just like those of us who saw it before it was posted here, folks think your accent is adorable!
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