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  1. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    Update on the wardrobe to coop cabinet project here:
  2. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe! that story!! So glad she has experienced conquering a fear in such a positive manner.
  3. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    So been kind of crazy here. When the weather was great we landed with unexpected visitors from the States and used to sun to show them the sights. Got 3 of the four walls framed before the rains moved in :barnie.... There it sits awaiting the return of the sun!! Meanwhile a friend was looking...
  4. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    Awww such a perfect moment caught on camera for her memories!! Congratulations! Still waiting to get my first hens :fl
  5. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    What an excellent option for urban dwellers! Congratulations on your first flock. Welcome to the Peeps in Europe thread. :ya
  6. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    The fox would be more of a free range risk than mink which are more nocturnal. I personally am choosing to accept that the predators will probably claim a victim or two occasionally as the price of happy free ranging chickens BUT will have a secure run for those times I cannot be home.
  7. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    They are a non-native invasive species that is a fair problem as they have no natural predators. Apparently they were introduced during a PETA raid on a fur production facility in which the activist set them free with no thought to impact on native habitats.
  8. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    The two most active ones are fox and mink but hawks are here in the area as well.
  9. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    Added stone dug up during the French drain extravaganza this spring to the foundation/base of the coop to hopefully discourage diggers. Also put hardwire mesh on two sides for the same reason. The other two sides will be in the L-shaped run that will go behind and up the right side of the coop...
  10. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    The drainage issues are sorted and hubby's emergency retina surgery is done and I am giddy to announce my first ever coop build has begun! Not promising regular updates because life happens but will try to pop in every now and again to show you my progress. 1.8m by 2.5m coop with...
  11. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    Oh my!! Poor birds. Misting station time I would guess!
  12. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    @Honora we love it! Yes the minor small town adjustments [like shops closing sooooo early in the evening!!!] were an adjustment but we are so conveniently located that we can make runs to one of several cities to reach a 'shopping mall' easily. So far all the adjustments have been well worth the...
  13. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    According to the locals we get all four seasons but as a transplant from Chicago I beg to differ! There is no real winter here but they are forgiven for not knowing what polar vortex with -40c feels like compared to this year's low here in Kerry of 4c. I would say we get spring/summerish/fall...
  14. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    Moved to Listowel last year from Chicago:frowWhere are you? I am still in coop building mode so no actual clucks yet:barnie.
  15. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    @Anaray how adorable! Making me even more impatient to get my coop underway so I can start my flock.:jumpy
  16. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    Sorry to have gone on radio silence for so long! Been having a rough spring which I am sure is just the cosmos way of reminding me to work on my patience:th! A few days after returning from the US to visit with my son, I received the news that my father had passed and I was right back on the...
  17. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    Hmmmm....have not even tried to source calcium as I have yet to get my first clucker but thinking a trip to a beach to find shells sounds like a good excuse to escape the endless drainage ditch digging! :clap Hubby would be an easy sell as he is all for free but for the labor ideas. Now off to...
  18. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    Yup, not at 13!! Only reason we opted for this was because he had done so many years in school with the same friends and it seemed the logical thing to let him finish the last year with them....coupled with the fact that he is living with my sister whom I trust explicitly and is far stricter...
  19. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    My son is also 18. We started him here in Ireland in the fall but their senior cycle is a two year program and having come from a huge and very liberal urban high school he found the rural option here very uncomfortable. Decided it was best to just let him go back and live with my sister for the...
  20. Spudsnsalsa

    Peeps in Europe!

    Been AWOL as well :(. Had to make a quick trip back to the renew my driver's license... because the Irish process is a ridiculous year long process for Americans:tongue! Had some much needed quality time with my son who is still there in order to finish up his senior year of high...
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